I know there have been topics about it. So don't get angry about redundancy with me yea?
Have been having chats with my girlfriend and everytime we come to this topic, she'll get unhappy.
I don't know what's the deal. Am I wrong?
Her story is this, she told me she has high values, high self respect and no track record of being disloyal...HENCE, I got to just trust her. Even if one day one of my friend came around and told me he just slept with her last night or kissed her, I would just have to dismiss such a fact. She said, respect is earned, trust is given. That's the way it is. How does this sound like to you? For me, yes, trust is the basic of relationship. Which is why you got to help your partner trust you, not ask your partner to just trust you by just looking at what track record you have whatsoever in your past.
Number 1, your past, is only what you told me. If you haven't told me everything, and only the good things are exposed, of course you have a clean record.
Number 2, nobody is perfect and people can do wrong. So don't tell me you're perfect and you will never do wrong so I got to trust you ( Yes that's what she says, she's perfect and I got to trust her and believe perfection does exist. ) It doesn't. The very fact that you think you are, already shows that you are not.
Am I wrong to ask more about her life? Am I wrong to ask and see if there's anything else she wanted to tell me?
Everytime I asked, she associate it with lack of trust. Then she say she see no future.
I was like, what the hell? You got to put the relationship on the line everytime I come up with a topic I want to find out and learn just cause you don't like it?
Somebody help me. I want to hear it form a girl preferable. Better still an experience women, the older the better.
Cause my girlfriend always tells me, she wouldn't listen to young ppl. So if its an advice coming from people older ( not old, just older ) at least I can copy and paste it for her to read. Can someone just advice here in two ways?
1...advice me.
2....advice her ( so I could email her the advice )
Married woman would be best. Cause she always tells me, I don't know bout relationship and I am not married so I am not fit to advise her on what relationship really should be.