Ok, so my ob/gyn is putting me back on birth control pills as a treatment for endometriosis I was diagnosed with about 5 years ago. I had been taking the pills (Seasonale to be exact) after my docs found the endo and did some surgery to remove a particularly troublesome bit of it. I was pain-free after that (woo!), but I HATED the side effects of the Seasonale. While taking them, I felt hot-flashy, depressed, had a lowered libido, and I ballooned up like crazy. I think I gained about 30 lbs in a very short amount of time. I actually went off of them after a while because I really couldn't handle how crappy I felt. Probably not too smart of me, but I haven't had problems with the endo since.
After a nice, long lecture from my doc, I am going to go back on them again. Even though I haven't felt any pain for four years, I don't want the endo to grow, and he's convinced this is the best preventative measure. I told him about my hatred of the side effects and he's trying me on a brand called Yaz.
Does anyone else have these kinds of side effects on BCPs? I've asked all my friends and none of them really seem to react the way that I do. Any thoughts from those in the medical field? I reeeeally don't want to deal with nasty side effects and weight gain. I'm finally losing the weight, and I don't want to put it back on, especially with all the hard work I'm putting in with my personal trainer. Yes, vanity, thy name is starbuck.
I'm at my wits end and about to chuck this package of pills in search of a more holistic remedy. Any thoughts? Anyone else have this incredibly frustrating condition?
“Inside every cynical person, there is a disappointed idealist”--George Carlin