I'll try to make a long story short here. My ex left me out of the blue back in January 2007. She then contacted me 8 months later (in October) wanting to be "just friends."
I told her that unless we got back together again, I could not be a part of her life. Which meant (and I specified) no texts, no email, no letters, no phone calls, no ANYTHING.
Because she had been coming in and out of my life like this for almost 10 years now. I just couldn't take it anymore. I felt, and still feel, like if she is in my life as just a "friend" that I can't move on, or heal the way I should.
I remember seeing someone's signature here that said something like "I'd rather you be completely out of my life than only half way in it." That is how I've felt about her for a long, long time now.
So, despite what I told her back in October, and it has been 10 months of silence since, last night she randomly texted me asking if we could be just friends, because she really needs a friend right now. So I texted her back, asking her what she meant by what she said.
When I saw a text from her, my heart was pounding and I got all weird feeling, and got the shakes, not knowing what to do, or how to react. I don't know what to do! It's so confusing. I keep thinking there must be some other reason, there must be more than meets the eye here, or something like that, but who knows?
I just don't know what to do. I feel like if I be "just friends" with her, I'll be caving in. But part of me would also feel bad to reject her need to have me as a friend. But after all the crap she's put me through, I don't know why I'd feel bad.
I just don't know what to do... do I stand my ground, or cave in...it's so hard. But I was NOT the one to break NC. I was the one who asked for it. NC was MY decision to stick to, and I was never tempted to break it over the past 10 months.
She still hasn't responded back yet from the text I sent her last night, which was a response to her initial one. Maybe she changed her mind, or realized she made a mistake by contacting me. But I don't really know that. I have nothing to go on.
Thanks for listening to me vent.