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I know you don't want to believe this right now Cain and it's okay. I am very sure she is hiding the real reason. People make lists like that to legitimize that they are not satisfied in the relationship. I am sure there is much more to it.
Also, you really never know someone better than they know themselves. When you guys talk about issues (I do this too and find out their real opinion weeks or months later) she may agree with you at the time of the conversation. But, really she may have a dark past and when you say you look negatively on this or that she may be thinking, "wow, I can't tell him about my time at this or that because I am afraid he will judge me negatively". So now she is bringing all that back up in a different way to give herself valid reasons to end the relationship.
I know this well because, like I said before, I used to think very conservatively just like you. You have to find someone who is compatible with you. She may be cool, and you love her, have communication, etc but that does not make you guys compatible.
She knows better than that.
As I've said numerous times on this message board, I'm not as outspoken about issues in the real world because I don't want to preach to people. I do it here because it's an anonymous means for me to voice my opinions. Most of the things we've talked about... she's agreed with... and some of them she's told me before I gave her my opinion.
And I disagree that she'd hide something from me about her past. If she doesn't agree with an opinion of mine or has done something I'd frown against, she's not afraid to tell me. She knows better and knows I won't judge her on it. We've already dealt with things like that.
She's not as submissive as some of you are thinking. She's very blunt and honest. I think that the reason she's making this list of things is because there's no real reason. The only thing that I think she might hide from me is that her parents pressured her into the breakup... and she'd hide that only because she doesn't want me to think negatively towards them in case we get back together. It's the same reason I wouldn't tell her that my mom lost a lot of respect for her because of this last breakup.
I'm still not convinced that distance played a role in this. I think that because she's already told me that it makes her feel bad when she goes out and I don't, she thinks that by breaking things off, it might be easier for her. If I lived there, I don't think she'd be feeling bad because she'd be wanting me to go out with her every time.
Things are different between us when we are on one of our visits and when we're separated by distance. When we're on a visit, little arguments are settled quickly. Things are great and amazing. We get along wonderfully. When we are back to the distance, we still get along well, but things are more rocky. Arguments don't get settled as easily and she appears a little more irritable at times. I think it's because she takes things the wrong way sometimes and the distance has started to stress her.
I don't chase, I replace.