I came out of my slump and was truly getting over her. I was somewhat rude to her when we did talk, and besides that I would avoid contact with her all together.
Unfortunatley she knows exactly how to get to me, shes known me closer than anyone else for over 2 years. So she came over and asked if I could at least treat her like a decent human and I told her no. Then she started being really sly and flirty with me and eventually ended in us making out.
She stopped half way through and told me she shouldnt of done that. The next three days carried on with her calling me and coming over and kissing me and then backing off. She threw me through a loop. We ended up reading our old emails together and she asked me to just hold her but then again said we shouldnt do this.
Anyway the other guy shes been hanging out with called her and she went and hung out with him and hasnt called me for about a day and a half.
I started going through are old pictures and saw this girl I would hold who didnt care about her looks, rarely wore makeup, gained a little wait, and messed up hair and a big smile. I miss that girl so much. Now she is always dressed up, perfect makeup, straightend bleach blonde hair and yeah shes damn attractive to me, but i miss the girl who didnt try to impress me or anyone else, she just knew id love her for who she was.
Now im back in a depressed slumber, pacing the floor as I keep myself from not calling her. ugh Im never going to get over this I don't have any ambition anymore i just want to quit, wish there was an off switch to this place