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Thread: Pondering.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Stockholm, Sweden


    Not often that I ask for advice, but I can't get my head around what course to take for this one.

    Err, well, basically I've been good friends with this girl for half a year now, she's 3 years older (Im 20 and she's 23) but one of the most amazing people I've ever met, on a personal level we're really comfortable with each other. So after some friends that we both hang out with have been wondering if we're together (and nudging me to make the first move, maybe they're giving me a message) I'm considering giving it a try, even though it wasn't a straight-away "Woah, Im into this girl!" from the moment we met it feels more and more right.

    So, with that being the case, Im wondering about two things.

    The first is, she just graduated and is starting a working career, since Im studying and wont be able to see her at uni any longer, is it pretty much doomed to fail if we'd might only be able to see eachother for a day on the weekends and perhaps a weekday evening? (Got to get a part-time job myself as well, that + uni studies will tighten things up quite badly...Eases off in 4 months).

    And secondly, what way would be suitable to initiate things? I mean, at least to me it seems a bit strange to ask for a date now that we already know eachother so well, seems a bit too formal for friends.

    I know that I'd might be stuck in the friend zone, but she's definitely worth giving it a shot.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Los Angeles
    Why don't you start by asking her if she's ever thought about dating you?

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