Hello. Well, I've never kissed a girl (I'm a guy), and I'm just really nervous on how to go about "doing it." I know all the preparations, like eat mints, wait until you see the signs, doing go too fast, etc. I'm just nervous on what I should do once our lips meet.
What position should my lips be, relevant to the girls'? Should I tilt my head? How much? Should I use my tongue? Where should I be holding her, or touching her? Should I keep the kiss short, medium, or long? What kind of kiss should I give, are there different kisses?
I've heard gossip like "this kid is a bad kisser," etc. and I really don't want to be that.
So if anyone has some tips for a first-timer, as well as detail on exactly how to be a good kisser during the kiss, I'd really appreciate the help!