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Thread: What is the most romantic thing your Boyfriend or husband done?

  1. #91
    vashti's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Charlie Boy II View Post
    haha, i was actually cringing as I typed that out. I was thinking "this sounds a bit gay." That's probably why I didn't mention it on here at the time.

    I don't know if I'd call myself a romantic... I strongly agree with what you said about the only unconditional love being between a mother and her child. I mean ijust say I was to break my back tomorrow and become a quadraplegic or, say, suffer serious brain damage in a car accident - who'd be there in twenty years?
    I think this just goes to show that realism and romanticism can coexist.
    How did Kristen like the necklace ?
    Last edited by vashti; 24-05-08 at 07:31 AM.
    Relax... I'll need some information first. Just the basic facts - can you show me where it hurts?

  2. #92
    Junket's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cain View Post
    To those of you that say you have unconditional love with your SO
    I don't recall anyone here saying they held unconditional love for their significant other.

    In fact, the reason why I brought it up at all was to bait into arguing with me so I could put them down.

  3. #93
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    Quote Originally Posted by Frasbee View Post
    I don't recall anyone here saying they held unconditional love for their significant other.

    In fact, the reason why I brought it up at all was to bait into arguing with me so I could put them down.
    There were two individuals whose posts could be portrayed as having been talking about the unconditional love for an SO.

    Quote Originally Posted by lesa View Post
    I thought unconditional love never existed but after many years I had finally developed it.

    Quote Originally Posted by mtinlove View Post
    the most romantic thing my boyfriend did was lie to me.... lol

    he told me for our anniversary we were going to a simple restaraunt, which i didnt care i just wanted to be with him, as we left our home, we arrived at the melting pot, somewhere ive wanted to go for a long time. it was a dreamy nite ill never forget.

    and there is unconditional love for those who have a passion...sorry you dont

  4. #94
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cain View Post
    I'm trying to read through all of these replies, but I've seen mention of unconditional love a few times and I want to respond.

    To those of you that think you have unconditional love with your SO, think again. Do you know what unconditional love is? I doubt you do. It means that no matter what your SO does, you will still love them the same.

    To those of you that say you have unconditional love with your SO, would you love them the same if they cheated on you? What if they constantly put you down? What if they made you choose between them or your family? Unconditional love isn't the same as being in love. Unconditional love is a falsehood which doesn't exist in my opinion. There will always be SOMETHING that can make you not love another person.
    Hi Cain, I am not 100% sure what unconditional love is but I was talking about the unconditional love of an ex, lol. How strange is that? He was the one who always said that he loved me unconditionally and for 7 years I told him that unconditional love does not exist because you cannot tolerate everything about a partner. I certaintly could not. But after we broke up I realize I will love the ******* for the rest of my life. I wish him love and happiness. Just not with me lol. I love him enough to let him go and seek another.

  5. #95
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    Quote Originally Posted by lesa View Post
    Hi Cain, I am not 100% sure what unconditional love is but I was talking about the unconditional love of an ex, lol. How strange is that? He was the one who always said that he loved me unconditionally and for 7 years I told him that unconditional love does not exist because you cannot tolerate everything about a partner. I certaintly could not. But after we broke up I realize I will love the ******* for the rest of my life. I wish him love and happiness. Just not with me lol. I love him enough to let him go and seek another.
    So if he murdered your parents, you'd still love him?

  6. #96
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cain View Post
    So if he murdered your parents, you'd still love him?
    Whoa! I would make sure he spent the rest of his life in jail suffering. I would hate what he did to my family and my life but would probably love him eventually. (I don't mean love him like lovers would. I mean love him for once being a good man in my past. I would want him to receive punishment, which does not negate that I have loved him before.) How could you not love someone that you have had a past with? Where did the love go? You either love them, hate them, or dont' care (but carrying hate will only hurt you not them). Unconditional love is not the same as being with someone no matter what happens....that can be foolish sometimes.

    Seriously I would probably be crazy and need therapy so who knows what I would be thinking. I have heard people forgive and forget. Like I said I am not sure if it is 100% unconditional love.

  7. #97
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    Sorry, but it is just hard for me to believe you would still love someone that murdered your family.

  8. #98
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    I don't think I could, Cain. That is crazy. I would probably try to murder them! Like Frasbee said, unconditional love probably only applies after at least a decade of "loving them". Again, I do not mean lovers love. If you don't love, hate, not care..then what do you feel? Feelings of hate will destroy you. So the only two options are to love them or not care. I know it is in me to care about the well-being of a person that I knew for decades who entered a tragic life so I know it is possible. Maybe I should use "I care for them". I would not embrace them and have them come stay for dinner. It's therapy for the mind I guess...someone help me out rofl.

  9. #99
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    This topic perturbs me so I had to look up the definition of unconditional love. (wait! This is not the topic of thread...okay sorry Mr Wigglz. I'll be quick )

    Unconditional love is defined as caring about the happiness of another person without any thought for what we might get for ourselves. Once you expects something in return then it is not unconditional love.

    You love them whether they make you happy or sad....whether they do right or wrong.

    Very interesting. That is extremely difficult to do. I think someone wrote earlier that this is the kind of love that parents have for their children. I feel that we may have it for siblings possibly too. Darn love. I give up.

  10. #100
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    Quote Originally Posted by lesa View Post
    You love them whether they make you happy or sad....whether they do right or wrong.
    That's how I feel about my girl. She makes me all warm and fuzzy inside.
    TJ the µß3R Trance Junkie

  11. #101
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    There's always going to be something that can remove that feeling of love. If I had a child and he murdered his mother/my wife, my love for him would be gone.

    Whether we always know what exactly that thing is that would cause us to stop loving another person, there will always be something.

    And I don't mean unconditional love is the love of a lover. I'm talking about any kind of love. And love isn't the kind of feeling that makes you feel like you care for them. If you only care for them then that isn't love.

  12. #102
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr Wigglz View Post
    That's how I feel about my girl. She makes me all warm and fuzzy inside.
    But, like I've said, there is SOMETHING that she could to that would make you stop loving her.

  13. #103
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    He once just whispered: "can I love you forever?" while we were at the movies.
    He also rode a bike a very long way just to get me roses on a cold April night.
    He just does little things that shows me he loves me and would do anything for me.

    If he is himself, faithful, caring, loving, and just everything beautiful in a relationship - every little thing he does, even as simple as saying "I love you" becomes the most romantic thing.
    "When someone loves you, they say your name differently. You know your name is safe in their mouth."
    --random book[/B]

  14. #104
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    Quote Originally Posted by atslowspeed55 View Post
    He once just whispered: "can I love you forever?" while we were at the movies.
    That's kinda cute. I wish my girl would somthing like that. I would feel incredible
    TJ the µß3R Trance Junkie

  15. #105
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    Why don't you do that, Wigglz?

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