Did you ever get the feeling.., that the two of you were just made for each other? I don't mean if you ever "thought" you were made for each other.., but you "knew" and came to realize.., "damn.., we were absolutely made for each other"..
It really is an amazing feeling.., and tonight.., I was walking down the isle at CVS.., when all of a sudden.., we met.., me.., with my stuffy nose.., 103 degree fever.., body aches.., muscle craps.., joint pains.., coughing.., soar throat.., congestion.., and a serious headache.., and there it was.., Advil.., Cold & Sinus..
At first I thought.., orange? This can't be serious medicine.., but then I got to know it better.., read what this baby could do.., it's almost like we were made for each other.., everything I needed.., it had to offer me.., 200mg at a time.., in a sweet candy-coated shell..
Anyone else with a similar experience?