*sigh* I'm surrounded by 12 year olds
TJ the µß3R Trance Junkie
Hey, Mr. Wigglz - since you are new to this forum, and don't really know any of the regulars, maybe you should consider that the three of us "12 year olds" are buddies who are not remotely offended by Frasbee's tongue-in-cheek comment. Lighten up, dude! Not everyone is as sensitive as you apparently are.
Relax... I'll need some information first. Just the basic facts - can you show me where it hurts?
New or not you should still show some respect. Think of the other peole who might just be reading the thread. Some people might take it as a joke while others like myself takes offence by it.
TJ the µß3R Trance Junkie
You need to lighten up, my friend, or you will give yourself a heart attack by 40 years. This is only a forum. Don't put so much emotional investment in it.
Relax... I'll need some information first. Just the basic facts - can you show me where it hurts?
I'm just saying this for myself and other people. So just please be a little decent in your posts
TJ the µß3R Trance Junkie
Enough already.
Are you aware that Frasbee is a moderator of this site Wiggles?
Take some valium. Try again. You have far to few posts to be getting on ppls backs this way. If you want a private conversation you can control either use PM or don't post on the internet.
Second thoughts can generally be amended with judicious action; injudicious actions can seldom be recovered with second thoughts.
--Cyteen by C.J.Cherryh
It dosnt matter if he was king of the world, he should still show respect. If Bush told you all to strip down down and run around the streets would you do it??? He may be thinking it but dose he say it? No. And why is that I might ask. Becuse he has respect.
TJ the µß3R Trance Junkie
Bush has respect? now that IS news to me.
Hey fras - quit asking the newbies to strip and run around naked.
Relax... I'll need some information first. Just the basic facts - can you show me where it hurts?
Just think of others and not yourself. Wow I'm a new poster... big whoop. Who cares? New or old it dosnt matter. You should still treat others as equals. I don't care if you have 9999999 posts. Show respect. Just cus I'm new dosnt mean I don't have a brain and feelings
TJ the µß3R Trance Junkie
Did you just compare me to Bush?
That's the most offensive thing anyone has said in this thread so far.
I don't live in the US... I live is australia. I don't realy now politics over there. Ok just replace bush with the queen. There ya go
TJ the µß3R Trance Junkie
Wigglz don't take things so serious. They're just f*ckin w/ ya. Relax fella!