First of all.., your post really pissed me off.., I found it to be insulting.., it reaks of desperation.., you're 18! There are men who are 10 years older than you.., and have only had one girlfriend their whole life.., it's not the end of the world.., 18 is a good and normal starting point.., it's not a race.., and it sure as hell isn't a competition.., so calm down and relax first of all..
Originally Posted by
let her know how i feel.
How you FEEL? Well.., how DO you feel? About someone you know nothing about.., about someone you've only exchanged glances with? Tell us.., what "feelings" or deep emotions do you have for this person? I'm sorry if i'm being a little hard on you.., but I mean you well.., hopefully you'll realize for yourself.., that you don't really "feel" anything for her.., the only thing you do "feel".., is attraction.., you think she looks cute.., dresses well.., she caught your eye.., and from that alone.., you're creating reasons in your head that have convinced you.. "oh.., she's such a great person.., such an amazing person.., I heard the sound of her voice a couple of times.., and ahh!.., and the way she moves and smiles.., etc".., Do you see what I mean?
So.., if you're going up to her.., and your motives are THOSE.., and those alone.., then it's obvious why you feel guilty.., and nervous.., you're basically communicating the message.., "I don't know the first thing about you.., but I felt strongly motivated to come over and talk to you.., and ask you out to dinner some time".. that's a little uncomfortable.. not to say some people won't be flattered.., but you're not looking to pump up anyone's ego..
Originally Posted by
Does anyone else thinks its extremely hard to ask a girl out with the entire class around?
No.., would it be any different if the whole world was around? Or would it be any easier if the two of you were alone? Then is it really the class that is the problem?
Originally Posted by
Where do you ask her? You follow her all the way to her car before asking? Dont think so. Im so damn shy that the few times shes said something to me i said nothing, i dont want to get into that but its not what you think.
You haven't even talked to her! What on earth are you going to ask her? Follow her from her car? Ok.., I have some things you MUST read to avoid a potential retraining order.. (and get you a date with the girl in question)
The link above is more than enough of a wealth of information you'll find most useful in seeing the change you want to see for yourself..
If you can't stop the Wind, then you can't stop the Storm.