I'm hoping I can get some help (I espeshally value women's opinion here) First I'll give you a summary of... well me.
I'm 22 years old male, I've just started college after serving in the Army for about four years and I am a hopeless romantic (big emphasis on the "hopeless") I may not be very old but I have done a lot in my life and feel comfortable with what I have accomplished and wish to find some one to settle down with. The only problem is I suck when It comes to women hahaha. It's not so much that I'm shy or don't know how to talk to them. I just can never figure out when they are interested in me or not. I'm also not to sure how to about meeting them. I mean I could always go to a club or bar but I'm not really sure if those are the kind of women I'm looking for. I don't know, what do you people think?