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Thread: SOOOOOOOOoooooooooooooooooo

  1. #31
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    Dec 2007
    Well i think your right now hes kissen ass brought me ice cream and flowers which he has never ever done. But ice cream wont make me stay i called out local herb shop and talked to them about herbal supplements, i am going get a few and if he does not want to try them or do things for me i am leaving

  2. #32
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    I'm so glad your finally starting to realize that you alone can't make this relationship work, If he's going to act like a man, he better be ready to take some responsibility and treat you like an ordinary woman and not like his disposable alcohol or drugs.
    There are people out there worth caring for and then there are those to feel sad for, but they have to change first.

    " Nothing is a waste of time, if you use the experience wisely."
    => Auguste Rodin

  3. #33
    IndiReloaded's Avatar
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    Why am I getting the feeling this poster is bogus? Tell me why he has only one kidney again?

  4. #34
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    he was only born with one and when he was like seventeen they found a blockage thats when they found out he only had one and had to go in on this left side and fix the one he does have it since it was messed up. And why would i come on here and lie would that not be pointless,

  5. #35
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    Maybe she's just having a hard time wrapping her head around the idea that anyone would stay with a drunk stoner who can't even keep it up.
    Spammer Spanker

  6. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ashliejae View Post
    he was only born with one and when he was like seventeen they found a blockage thats when they found out he only had one and had to go in on this left side and fix the one he does have it since it was messed up. And why would i come on here and lie would that not be pointless,
    i love the way you said that then ended it with a comma.
    baby ya hustle. but me i hustle harder.

  7. #37
    IndiReloaded's Avatar
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    Ash, you have a serious case of Rescue Him syndrome. I would suggest you try to find a more productive way to make use of your energy. You're about to cross over the event horizon of a very large black hole. Fire those emergency booster rockets & veer off asap.

  8. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ashliejae View Post
    your telling me that not only am i stupid but i should break up with a person i love because they have problems. I posted this because i need help having sex with my boyfriend and would have liked some idea's not how or why i should break up with him. And with the thinking process that its someone else's job to get me off is naive.
    I understand your situation. Hrmm heres a suggestion... Let him try Pilates (or yoga)! Yes! i know its kinda insane once you think about it.. But I've heard it really works. Also known as the "method contrology," Pilates uses the mind to control your muscles which will also trigger your sexual intentions. It can improve your sex life and make sexual feelings more durable. Just do some research on Pilates and how it can work you and your partner to develop a better sex life. Your boyfriend would have more control over his body from these simple exercises.
    I'm not sure if your BF is willing to give it a go though. Guys will be guys haha. You can always buy the Pilates video and try it out in the comfort of your own home =)

  9. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ashliejae View Post
    And with the thinking process that its someone else's job to get me off is naive.

    It is not someone else's 'job' to get you off, it is there god given duty (and should be great pleasure) to get you off if you are in a serious monogamous relationship. It is not fair that he gets his and you don't. He has problems, but I think that the most serious one he has is that he's selfish. I personally would not put up with it.

    The popping quick thing is no big deal. Damn near every man deals with it sometime in their life. However, he just gets up like nothing happened and goes on about his day!? People tell you to break up because if he isn't willing to please you in the bedroom(something that many men go through great lengths to do for women they barely know, let alone love).

    Either you're willing to live like this(which you wouldn't be posting if you were), you're willing to leave, or you try to fight the good fight and hope that one day he'll change(most people don't at this age-assuming you are in your twenties). Believe me, there is someone out there that you can love AND be sexually compatible with also.

    Why do let him get away this? Is your happiness not as important? If he's not willing to work with you on it then there is nothing that anyone here can tell you to do that will help the situation.

  10. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ashliejae View Post
    Oh i have tried the whole blow job thing, the jack you off thing, any thing i can think of. He gets finished and gets dressed. I am not going to demand that he gets me off. If he doesn't want to then why force him.
    I'm sorry, I laughed so hard when I read this..

    I'll say it again.. guys are practical creatures.. blow him, jack him off, have sex, either way you cut it.. if he's getting off, and feels like you're just being nice today.. he'll take it, get off, get dressed.. and Snorelax.. An asian friend of mine (male) fit your story perfectly.. i'm not going to mention his name, because he's asian, and good with computers, and most likely to find his name on google..

    But his gf would do that to him.. for months.. and he would just say thanks.. "do you want me to go down on you?" she would say "no".. and he would just go clean up and get dressed..

    The hint is too subtle.. Do NOT expect more than like 5% of men to pick up on that one as "wait! maybe she wants to have sex!".. and do not expect more than 1% to think "fcuk that, she just wants a good pounding, needs it, badly"..

    Intro to most guys: The word "subtle" in and of itself, is too subtle.. If it's not explicit, then it's not on their mind.. What you say or do, is exactly what it means.. there's no multiple thought process going on.. And most women will never be able to enjoy the pleasures of thinking about "nothing" for hours on end.. You might have some trouble understanding this..

    So, think about (explicit) statements, like they're being said in English.. and think about (implicit, subtle, hints) as being said in Swahili.. Maybe you speak Swahili, but he doesn't.. and he's not about to learn.. He only understands English.. so just speak English!

    - "Listen, I really want to have sex together, your long, hard manhood, in my wet, burning, throbbing, female sexual void.. comprende? But before we do, i'm going to go down on you either orally or manually, or both.. and then, you're going to go down on me.. and then, we're going to get cleaned up.. come back and do it the way nature intended it to be done.. tell me if I lost you, I have no problem repeating"

    - "Listen, I want to tell you something.. Relax, I promise, it's not going to fly over your head.. What i'm going to say is exactly what it's supposed to mean.. Do you know how I know you want to have sex? The way you look at me, the way you talk to me, the way you touch me, all of those things give it away.. and it's not a bad thing.. it's a good thing.. a really good thing.. because I like making you happy.. that makes me happy.. and I know, we both know that it's less sexy when you have to say that you're in the mood for sex, it's almost a turn-off.. but it's a turn-on when the other person just knows, like they can almost read your mind.. Good so far? Ok, well.. Do you think that you're the only one who wants to have sex? Do you think I like sex? How much do you think I like sex? Ok, well.. do you know when I feel like having sex? What are some of the give-aways you notice? Ok, well.. I just want you to try and be more aware from now on when it comes to looking out for when I might be feeling like i'm in the mood for sex.. because.. like you.. and more so.. I don't like ruining the mood.. I like to keep things sexy.. I like to stay turned-on and in the mood.. and I like to have you, almost read my mind, and just know when I want to have sex.. And I don't know if you know this yet.. but when i'm going down on you, orally or manually, when i'm touching you more than usual, when you see me almost paralized and dazed when you look into my eyes or the sound of your voice reaches my ears.. I'm just thinking about you inside of me.. I just want to have sex.. that's all I wanted to say.. and as you notice when i'm in the mood for sex from now on, I just want you to remember what we talked about.. that's all I wanted to say, you can go back to whatever you were doing.."

    (You would be shocked, at what wonders this last pattern will work for you.. the trick is to not shove it down his throat, talk casually, not like you want some change from him right then and there.. just casual talk, not a big deal.. just give him enough information to work with.. make a suggestion.. just like the pattern is doing.. and then leave.. let him think about it.. let him believe he's being smart and comming to a conclusion of his own.. and that the next time he notices when you're in the mood, let him believe that it's his own free-will or choice that's telling him to have sex with you.. that you want it.. when you want it.. Evil, I know.. but not so evil if you think about it.. it's for a good cause.. not to battle cancer or save lives, but close enough)

    Remember; men grow up in a culture, in a society that makes them believe that sex is a desire largely exclusive to men (you can thank the femenists for this).. So most don't understand, and may even have trouble accepting that you have just as strong, if not stronger, sexual urges and desires.. Most men are also largely clueless as to when women are in the mood for sex.. In effect, you're asking him to notice and pay more attention to your give-away signs of when you are in the mood.. It's not that he doesn't want to make you happy, very few people don't want to make their partners happy.. but he probably doesn't realize yet, how often or when exactly you want him to make you happy..
    Last edited by GrkScorp; 03-03-08 at 07:37 AM.
    If you can't stop the Wind, then you can't stop the Storm.

  11. #41
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    Mar 2008
    If I may give a constructive suggestion and if your boyfriend is willing to work this problem out I strongly recommend you purchase and download Robert Irwins' e-book "Sexual skills for the Christian Husband". This book details exercises and development of the PC muscle (pubococcus) among other skills. Men are not born with these skills, they need to be learnned. Your loving assistance and support will surely result in a very satisfying love life for you both!
    Last edited by romantic1; 08-03-08 at 03:20 AM.

  12. #42
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ashliejae View Post
    I brought it up and i said how i felt and he got all bent out of shape about it. Like at that moment i was packing my things, and telling him i hated him i understand it attacked some part of his man hood telling him that i wanted more then 2 min's of trying to have sex and then him going and hidding. Now all he has done is stare at the wall drink vodka and get high i don't know if this means i should end it or push the issue more. He really didn't say a lot but he did hint that his last few relationships didn't work because of it. I did try to push it a bit and he said he was embarrassing and he couldn't talk about it and thats the last that was said about it today. I guess i don't know what to do what do you all think any idea's i'd love to hear them
    Attacking his manhood is harsh. Try encouragement instead of hurting his feelings.

  13. #43
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    Wouldn't cuming really fast be an evolutionary advantage? I told everyone it is a good idea to keep women fearing sex but nooooooooo, no one ever wants to listen to OV. Douche monkeys!
    "Why are you an atheist?"
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