Sooooo about half a year ago I got sick out of the blue with a sore throat and it got really bad.
I had had mono before so I figured it was a flare up.
I could not eat or even swallow my own spit it hurt so so so much so I went to the doctor.
The doctor, I believe, was a dumbass. He did a culture on me and concluded that nothing was wrong with me I just had an "abnormal amount of normal bacteria." what?! Nothing wrong my ass!
Then he gave me steroids to bring down the swelling, problem is there was no swelling my throat walls had been deformed from the two week ordeal. Deformed, not swollen.. It pissed me off because it was $100 bucks for six pills i did not believe i needed.
Anyway ever since that illness my mouth has had a bad taste. I brush my teeth frequently and use mouthwash, peroxide.. nothing will take it away. My urine has a strange scent, and the sides of the back of my throat are still deformed. If there is an abundance of bacteria in me then I cant find many other ways of getting it out, Im a really clean person :/ I dont really think thats the case though..
I just dont know whats wrong with me or what couldve caused this.
Anyone with similar experiences or words of enlightenment?