So I've been back in Rochester for 8 days, and after being at school for so long just realized... Wow, I hate this place
Half the city looks like they are in a late stage of AIDS, too many people have horrendous hygiene, the average IQ is around 6, all the women dress like cheap 5 dollar whores and think they are hot, even though they are 50 and probably going to die from a heroin overdose in a few hours. I can't remember who said it (Chris jericho?? It was a WWE wrestler) that Rochester has the ugliest people he has ever seen. I believe it.
Everyone steals everything. I walk into a Kmart today near a movie place where I was buying a movie and some guy with probably $100 worth of electronics walks out of the store while the alarm goes off and lifts his coat to make sure the security guard sees his gun. Seriously, armed robbery for ****ing $100 worth of CRAP?? What is wrong with people!?
The nearest mall has become so ghetto today I only go there if I have to, a security guard is always in eyesight because people are always doing the stupidest shit. I know multiple people who had their cars stolen in the parking lot of just that mall
And Kodak, who used to employ everyone, might be the stupidest ****ing company to ever exist (this coming from me, and I'm not much of a bussinessman). People of the dumbass management at the top (yeah, the smooth talkers and ass-kissers who haven't a single brain cell) ****ed up the company so bad like 20 years ago in so many ways that now people employed by Kodak (like my dad) have to worry about being laid off every few months. If you want to know how to NOT run a company, just read any book about Kodaks management from like the late 1980s -on.
And then the mayor thinks its a brilliant idea to spend like $10 million on a ferry that will connect us with Toronto. It's already less than a 4 hour drive away anyway. Well, big surprise, nobody takes the ferry and it actually costs us money, even after we sell it
And then NY state taxes us to death and they wonder why people are leaving... Gee, I wonder!
I had to vent... I miss my college friends who are the exact opposite of everything from above