- Not into reading.. ok, fine; join the 90-something% of the male population. Chances are, you need food, and things for the house, so you need to shop. Now I know what you're thinking.. (when people are shopping, they are just looking for what they came in to get, pay and go home). Well, yes, that's true; if you're a guy! But have you SEEN women shop? They don't STOP! This gives you plenty of time casually bump in (Omg, i'm so sorry, are u ok? I just get so lost in these places, do you know where the ____ is? Thank you so much). Seems like it's stopped there? No way.. That's the initial grocery store (hi!). That one sentence is not about content, but rather how smooth & confident u are when u say it; what signals you give; etc. (You can be holding a can of Cambell's Soup, and still come off as attractive & sexy just by being lost). Chances are, you're going to go around, pick up some things, and see her again. (Never shopped before? Perfect!).. Say something like.. (I actually just moved in here, and like, i'm so lost, I have no idea what to fill up my fridge with, what do you usually come here and get?).. It's friendly, up-beat.. and depending how you say it.. very sexual & appealing. Now, you'll both wind up at the cash register, when you do.. (Thank you so much for the help, I'm ____ btw)... That's it.. it's that simple... Let her dwell on the fact that she might never see you again for a while... let her feel slightly sad about you not asking her for her number... and just as she's about to leave (or you, whichever is on the line first), say.. (Oh.. I didn't get your number.. you know.. just in case you ever get bored of comming to the same old place.. lol.. "you're implying food... and therefore implying that you'll want to meet in the future to get some food..")..