Hello everyone,
This is will be a long post. Please bear with me. I donno if I'm posting in the right area....
I have a problem with my bf's "best friend" who is a girl. He used to have a major crush on her back in college, but after he got rejected, he stayed away from her for about a year and then accepting that she was going out with some guy, he became friends with her again. Ever since then, he's been friends with her. She's now single again.
My bf and I have dated for about a year, then broke up, and then got back together. We are trying harder to work on this new relationship and so far, it's been ok. But there are times when I get uncomfortable...
I really don't mean to make a big deal out of every little thing... but as many times as I overlooked it, I just couldn't do it anymore. He calls it "C-isms" (Her name is C) and he says things that she says alllll the time. It drives me insane cuz I feel like he has bonded with her so tightly that he's adopted her language. Like tonight, things would have been perfectly normal and fine if at the end of the conversation, he did not say it. He said, "No bueno." (That's a phrase I found out that she says all the time in this cutesy way.) After we hung up, those words just hit a nerve in me and I had to finally tell him. I called back and told him in so many words. He admitted it was a phrase he got from C. He now agreed not to say it, but he was quiet. And I was pretty uncomforted that he didn't say anything to make sure I was feeling comfortable. (I guess it's again my folly of focusing what "I need" and what "I want." But I didn't make that an issue. It's something I need to personally work on.) So his silence made me uncertain about how he was feeling. Therefore, I asked. I told him this is the part where he needs to work on his communication. He said he knew, but he didn't have anything to say. (I couldn't understand how he couldn't have anything to say if he understood that I was not pleased from the remote 2 minutes ago.) I guess, if a guy was a good communicator, he would try to talk things out. He would try to verbalize how he's feeling and also verbalize how I might be feeling. Well, my bf is definitely not there yet. So he was pretty silent. When I asked him how he honestly felt about the whole thing, he said it sucked. He said that "it was limiting his vocabulary which wasn't even his to begin with since he borrowed it from her," but that he "would try not to use it because I don't like it." He then asked how I felt, and I said that I felt better but that I didn't know what to do. And after a long pause he asked, "what to do about what?" and I explained that I didn't know if he would only get frustrated because he cannot use the words. And he simply replied, "Only time will tell!" And he admitted somewhere that even though he would try not to say them, that sometimes it may slip out here and there. I thanked him and told him that I appreciated it. And I kept him up long enough. He was getting displeased about the lack of sleep cuz he had to wake up at 5am and it was already getting close to 10pm. After we hung up, a few minutes later, I had to call him back again. I wasn't sure if he would pick up the phone, but he did. He didn't sound annoyed or angry. ( Whew! Thank goodness ) I prefaced what I wanted to say with "I didn't want to bring this topic up again after you get back from work, so I want it to be over and done with and I just wanted to say that I don't want you to use those words with just her either." he answered, "uh huh." with a positive tone. I assumed that he understood why I was requesting this as well. So I tried to make sure, "Is that ok?" and he was simply "Ok" and I told him, "I'm sorry for being so crazy." and I guess he thought about the word "crazy" for a bit, then said, "ok." So I apologized again and he again said, "ok" And becuase his answers were so terse, I knew I was keeping him up more than he ever wanted to stay up, so I quickly had to let him go before I pushed him too far. I said "bye" and he said "good night."
Talk about psychotic... huh? But what could I do???? EVERY time he says those words that I know she uses, it makes me think how much he still thinks she's so cute and lovable.
And on this confrontation, in the very beginning, I asked him if he would be just honest with me and tell me how he feels about C. He said, "same as how I always felt." So I had to ask, "which is??" And he said, "She's one of my closest friends." (I don't remember if he added "and that's it.") I think I was afraid to probe any further in fear of making him realize that there might be more than just a feeling of friendship.
I later concluded the conversation with, I have guy friends too, so I understand that C is your friend, but she can't be one of your best friends. He seemed to willingly agree without hesitation. I donno if his brain was on cruise control and was by now just saying anything I wanted to hear just so that he could be let go to go to sleep. But I hope not. And I don't think he would do that. So I think he understands a little about the boundaries between a guy and a girl's friendship. I just hope he'll understand more of it as he matures and will willingly draw clear lines rather than being forced to by me. (If I stick around him long enough.) I mean.... already, he's probably thinking that I've started the process of changing him again. And this time, it's not about manners, but limiting words! I just hope he doesn't think all of this negatively. At least, from what I perceive, I don't think he's taking it negatively.
So people, I just wanted to ask: Is my bf retarded or am I crazy? Did I do right by confronting him? Was there a better way to tell him all this? Or do you think I should have just stayed quiet? Please help!