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Thread: Post-Orgasm Remorse -- Do Girls Get It? Do Other Guys Even Get It? Am I Crazy?

  1. #16
    Join Date
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    Los Angeles
    See, Aegis? There are advantages to older women!

  2. #17
    Join Date
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    An experience with an older women is probably my biggest fantasy; but consequently, they intimidate the crap out of me so it would probably never happen.
    "He who is not courageous enough to take risks will accomplish nothing in life."

  3. #18
    Join Date
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    Los Angeles
    We're gonna get along just fine, doodleman.

  4. #19
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    Don't be silly. Older women often feel awkward around you guys, too. Basically, the whole world is full of people who are insecure about one thing or another.

  5. #20
    Join Date
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    Actually, that whole bumbling awkward approach might work for us, Aegis, in an "aww hes adorable, I'm going to take him home and jump his bones because I'm a horny smoking hot 40 year old" kind of way. Here's to hoping.

    My best friend is like a goddamn Don Juan whenever we go out and hes the most bumblingly awkwardest (how's that for a modifier?) guy I know.
    "He who is not courageous enough to take risks will accomplish nothing in life."

  6. #21
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    Jun 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by DoodleMan View Post
    Alright, so I've never really clarified with anyone except my friends, but some of them have this issue as well. So I just wanted to throw it out there.

    I could be in the horniest mood in the world, but the MOMENT I come I have this instant remorse like this "Christ, what am I doing? I'm ashamed of myself...get away from me" kind of thing. Could be the most gorgeous girl I've ever met or I could be frigging masturbating, happens either way. The ONLY girl I've ever wanted to still be around after sex is my current girlfriend. Don't ask me how, because I don't really know, but I'm grateful for it.

    My question is, do other guys experience this? Do girls?
    Well thank God I'm not the only person who gets this!!

    And it's nothing to do with "using girls" as someone said, I think it's more a physical thing. Chemical reactions in your body or whatever.

    I can be like that too... the horniest person ever.. then after masturbating *blushes* ... I'll be like "ewww what am I doing?"

    I haven't really had that with sex though, usually just masturbation.

    and especially when indulging in a certain fetish.

    Er yes anyway. Don't worry you're not alone.
    I think it must just be a normal thing for some people.

    [edit: ps.
    soulless sex terminators from the future.
    Mmmm.. soulless sex terminators from the future..... hehehe ]
    Last edited by mr_fahrenheit; 11-08-07 at 02:15 AM.

  7. #22
    Join Date
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    yeah i know what your talking about whoa... i didnt know that other people had that... the one time i orgasmed with the guy im with now it was like shit what the f am i thinking...i got over it pretty fast though. en media res it was great like it wasnt till after the orgasm that i felt bad

  8. #23
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    Apr 2005
    I started getting it as I became more sexually active. I know exactly what you are talking about. It's sort of like..."Did I really need that right now?" I remember the days when 10 seconds of oral sex would cause me to orgasm. And an insanely pleasurable orgasm at that. Now I try to refrain from any type of sexual activity for a week or more and then have sex with my girlfriend. It's much better. Sorry if this was a bit off topic.

  9. #24
    Ellynn's Avatar
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    Somewhere out there...
    I never have been remorseful after the big "o". Most times just relieved I got there and happy to have that satisfaction.
    Appreciate the good times and learn from the bad times....

  10. #25
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    In my experience its a person by person thing...I've had NSA experiences and it iz what it iz. Most of my friends, male and females just allow a situation to develop unless it is a NSA or FWB situation, and then you already know it, especially if you hardly know the person. We're young, most of us aren't trying to get married right now but we've all got a steady and a good piece stashed in the closet. Every relationship seems to have its own particular rules and regualtions and both parties are aware of the unspoken parts.

    Back on topic though, I've never had an orgasmic let down but I have frequently had the "OMG, he's still here" letdown...

    iz wat it iz

  11. #26
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    That is a weird feeling to have after you climax, mine is more on the euphoria side.
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  12. #27
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by mr_fahrenheit View Post
    Well thank God I'm not the only person who gets this!!

    And it's nothing to do with "using girls" as someone said, I think it's more a physical thing. Chemical reactions in your body or whatever.

    I can be like that too... the horniest person ever.. then after masturbating *blushes* ... I'll be like "ewww what am I doing?"

    I haven't really had that with sex though, usually just masturbation.

    and especially when indulging in a certain fetish.

    Er yes anyway. Don't worry you're not alone.
    I think it must just be a normal thing for some people.

    [edit: ps.
    Mmmm.. soulless sex terminators from the future..... hehehe ]

    yup happens to me sometimes during masturbation after i cum.

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