I've been dating my boyfriend for 2 years in 2 weeks. Ever since I was in this relationship I started to get very protectice and very paranoid when he went to his new school. I would hate that he would even metion another girl. I would get pissed off and mad with him if he talked to another girl, wanted to hang out with another girl. I was so afraid of losing him that I was losing him because of it. However there were a few incidents when he lied to me about where he was and what he was doing and such like that. We broke up which lasted about a day, and then we were back together. I've been so paranoid ever since. I don't want to be cheated on but I realise that I have to back down and trust him that he hasn't cheated because there is no evidence that he has and I'm not about to go looking for any, trust me. What I can say is that I don't want to be paranoid anymore, how do I stop this? How can I become laid back and just trust what my boyfriend tells me? How do I stop this?, I don't want to be paranoid anymore. I don't want to question and get upset.
Please help me, I love him with all my heart, I want to marry him but I want to change for him.
Can you give me some advice?