Ok this is kinda gross... but it's something we all have to deal with.
Ever had a boyfriend or girlfriend with er... "intimacy issues" of another kind...?
In other words... they needed to wash better.
If you did, how did you handle the problem?
My gf was telling me how she dated this one guy who was really gross... in "that" department.. and she used to sweetly suggest he shower... or that they take a sexy shower together, but he used to complain, refuse to shower and not take the hint lol!
And my brother told me about one girl that was ... very hairy... and kind of... didn't wash well enough and it really grossed him out even though he loved her.
I guess I've been kind of lucky with mainly very hygenic/fragrant partners!
There is one thing I cannot stand though, bad breath.
I have actually finished with 2 people over their breath.
So... does anybody have any related experiences you'd like to share?
Also does anyone else get paranoid about their own body odour?!
Like even though I floss, gargle and look after my teeth etc, I sometimes get really worried about "what if I have bad breath?" when I am going to be kissing or whatever. and I like to have a very vigorous shower before getting intimate, whenever possible!