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Thread: Too much broth spoil the soup?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2007

    Too much broth spoil the soup?

    Hey, I'm new here .

    Just have a slight problem.

    I have a few ex before this and usually, i will fall for the looks before the attitude. The typical me =). I broke up with my bf 5 months ago and actually vow not to look at another guy or trust one again.

    Then, 2 months ago, I chat along with this guy. I actually know him since last year already, but i was busy with my bf so i did not took notice of him. Just a hi and bye. Mind you, i know him through an online game. We're in the same guild you see =x.

    So, one fine day, i log in after avoiding the game for 2 months and coincidentally he was in as well. We chatted and i found out he was a really good companion. I have a really weird taste in guys. First, they must speak good English and are from those educated family. Good manners and all those, the goody-2-shoes with a slight michieviousness. Then, of couse, a good humour. He was perfect for it. I didn't know how he look like at first, well i didn't think i will fall for him at first !

    Then at the same time, i was feeling got miserable and weary. I've been keeping a lot to myself since my broke up and we reveal to each other and found out we have the same exact problems. Furthermore, (ah, its like writing an essay) we have so many similarities in the sense of our taste in people, weird beliefs and more that sometimes it scares me to have someone who speak from your mind. Something like telepathy i guess.

    Yeah, he was the 1st guy i could actually really relate to. There was never a bored moment or an awkward one so it was really lovely.

    Any advices for a young soul here? I'm older than 16, younger than 19 =)
    Last edited by Star_Princess; 06-07-07 at 09:34 PM.

  2. #2
    anachronistic's Avatar
    anachronistic Guest
    Are you dating people through World of Warcraft? That's really creepy.

    Do you know this guy in person as well, or have you only talked on the phone and stuff?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    lol no.

    Erm, maple. And, we're not dating. Just really good friend. I don't simply befriend people that easily either and he's not those weird stalking types.

  4. #4
    Junket's Avatar
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    Do you guys even know what each other look like?

    And your night elf or whatever doesn't count.

    I think you need to get outside.

  5. #5
    anachronistic's Avatar
    anachronistic Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Frasbee View Post
    I think you need to get outside.
    Hahaha, I agree to that.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    under your bed
    Quote Originally Posted by Star_Princess View Post
    he's not those weird stalking types.
    any guy who picks a girl up on WoW is a weird stalking type. i bet he's at LEAST 10 years older than you, right?

    "In the future, everyone will be famous for 15 minutes..." -Andy Warhol

  7. #7
    LostNotFound's Avatar
    LostNotFound Guest
    i don't know where i read this but 2 people one male one supposed female fell 'in love' via a gaming website. the male sent money for the alleged female to ensure her membership with the website and then sent her money to pay for her internet connection and etc. only to find out the female was in fact a male. ah ha haa

    bad idea. der must be guys you know? real people?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    I have some advice for you: You're too young to be vowing never to care for someone again. You set yourself up for all of this drama.

    Why don't you vow to find yourself a nice guy IRL and just make good choices about who you involve yourself with?

    If you have a definite "type" you're attracted to, and you keep getting burned, maybe there's a connection.
    Spammer Spanker

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    try playing mu online

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Sorry i did not clarify my problem properly.

    When i say i vow not to like anyone, erm, it doesn't really mean i'm swearing off guys, it's just that I'm having difficulties knowing guys that actually stay with you and not run away the moment you encounter some predicaments.

    We do not send money to each other and all, and i pretty much know him in real life too. And, yes i know how he looks like and he knows mine too.

    I used to think liking someone online is crappy, fake and all too. But, he's kinda different (i do know quite a number of guy friends, not bf) from the ones i know. With him, it's more of a intellectual chat. Or maybe i fall out a lot from my friends.

    I've been keeping a lot to myself for the past few months, not revealing it to my best friends in school nor anyone else. Then, i confide in him which he understands when my own friends don't even understand or actually took the courage to ask me what went wrong.

    Sorry i went out of topic. Feels better letting it out.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    It's impossible go off-topic on your own thread. You can take it anywhere you want.

    Anyway, I find it alarming that you are getting closer and closer to him at the expense of your real life relationships. You should strive to keep a balance.

    There's nothing wrong with liking someone online, but you should understand that it is simply not the same thing as knowing someone IRL. The closeness you feel with him is brought about by an artificially constructed reality.

    It's beautiful, but not necessarily sustainable.
    Spammer Spanker

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