As the title above. After a long time being alone without companion, one day she appeared in my life. The first time we know each other is in online game. After that we started to chatting with msn, messaging, phone and become a good friend.
Well at the begginning (sp?), I only consider her as a lil sister because she just 14 years old and I almost 22 years old in this year. So I didn't expect that I'll fall in love with her but it happens and after couple of weeks thinking about it, at last I brave myself to tell her about what my feeling. She look suprised at early but after a moment she said that she have the same feeling toward me.
When I told my friends that I coupled with 14 years old girl, they said Im crazy and the loli type (o.0!).I don't care what my friends said but what I care is what will the girl parents will say about this.
Please help.
p/s: sorry, English is not my main languange.