I'm married but I've fallen in love with a girl that works at the gym I go to. I never intended it to happen but somehow it did. I'm not interested in a full-blown relationship because I don't want to wreck my marriage, I still love my wife too. Anyway, this girl has a boyfriend amd is a wonderful girl, we have great talks and laughs and so I think she likes me a lot too. I've gotten lots of signs from her that this is so, there have been many times where we've exchanged looks across the room and then she'd look down and smile, she lets me stay after closing time while she cleans up and we talk, she offered me this but to no one else, she's told me even her pet name what her boyfriend calls her but not to other guys. This may all be friendliness, but there have been other looks that can be anything else (in my eyes) than something more, once she walked across the room smiling at me all the way, she looked down in the middle (still smilling) and then looked back up at me and over her shoulder still smiling (a 15 foot walk!), another time I mentioned to her the fact my wife wanted me to join another gym with her, she got kind of serious and said something like " this can't be for real, right?", we both immediately figured out some reasons for me to stay, later she came over and was standing a few feet away talking to another member, then our eyes locked for 2-3 seconds and her eyes got big and she had either a sad or scared look. I am positive here how she looked at me, I didn't just imagine what I wanted to see
Anyway, now things have changed a bit, we still talk fine (if anything better than ever) but she avoids eye contact from across the room , but while we talk she seems very relaxed and chatty. Recently I took it to another level and told her I find her very attractive. At first she seemed to think I was joking and then said something like , "this is crazy, you should be telling this to your wife" (she's right too), then she said " I like you but I want to stay just friends" , she also said she thought before that I might find her attractive (she obvoiusly could tell) but she hoped it wasn't true. I confronted her the next week to ask what she meant by she hoped it wasn't true but she claimed she couldn't remember what she said because it was too hot. Hmmm....
Now we still talk pretty normal, I sense some tension but that might be my imagination. So, I think the reason for her behavior is, to me it seems very clear that she likes me a lot, even possibly more than just friends although that's what she said. But she realized what was happening , maybe how she felt about me, and became afraid of what might happen if things get too hot, my marriage could be ruined, her relationship with her boyfriend also which to me seems like she wouldn't want to risk. But I also think she doesn't want to risk me not being able to see her anymore. So I think she wants to keep things "as is", that's my she's pushed me off a bit and no longer gives flirty looks.
I've decided I'm going to try to keep things "as is" too because I'm also afraid what might happen if it gets out of control.
I'd be grateful if you could tell me what you think, am I just imagining it and she doesn't like me like I think, or is she just not so flirty now because she's protecting herself because she knows it wouldn't work and would just end up a mess. Any extra hints would be a great help. Thanks!