I know many of you might think me wrong of this, but I honestly have no idea what to do. I've been reading the different things on here for a while, and I figured I'd give it a shot.
I live in Texas, and a friend of mine, well, former friend, is 2 years older than me, who lives in Illinois. last summer('06), We met online and stuff, and we would stay up until about 5:30 every morning all summer. During this, he told me he loved me. I mean, he actually treated me like he loved me. Not like some other pervs on the RPGS we play. Then I began to love him. One night I got on and he was telling me that his parents were trying to send him away, and that I would never be able to see him again. That night, I remember crying, as we talked at waited. Finally, his mom talked some sense into his dad, but that was hours later. I mean, heck! The guy I truly love was leaving me.
The boy I met, I still love to this day, but he hates me.
School started and we didn't talk as much. Then, I went to Iowa for Christmas, and we began talking more and more like we used to. Then, one morning, he said that he didn't have time to talk to me. Not really thinking, I signed off and stuff. He got mad, when we talked about 3 days later, saying that I screwed up. That it was my fault and I shouldn't have overreacted. I now know I shouldn't have, but heck...can't rewrite time.
Now, 4 months later, he constantly unblocks me and blocks me, over and over. And when I try to talk to him, he ignores me. I love him to death, I'd do anything for him, i'd die if it would make him happy.But he won't listen and I just don't know what to do. I talked to a friend of his and he said that when he mentioned me to him, he either acted like he didn't know who I was or said he didn't want to talk about me.
I just don't know what to do.