Continuation of the thread Final Stand...
By the way what I am about to say here I mean no offense to anyone here, I'm just angry and pissed.
What the hell is wrong with girls! What the hell do they seek in this bloody life?!
The girl I mentioned in the "Final Stand" thread has got the damnest bad thingy a girl could have, she can't see a damn male her age or close to her age cause she simply falls in love with him! Just that, love at first sight with everyone of them she meets!
Then she wants to go out with them, what is her game? What does she want to achieve? Whenever I tell her about it she says she has everything under control. And the worst part is that I love her.
Two days ago was the final straw, we were out with our friends in a very crowdy area, and she kept saying, 'Aww he's so cute!" And goes and takes his number, she did this to about 3 people. When she came to the 4th one I unleashed my anger. I started shouting why the hell she falls in love with every male she sees (And in the mean time everybody is looking at me, how emberasing). Then I grabed a few male youngsters and I shouted, "Do you like him too? Or him? Or even him? How about that one over there?!" Anyways I made a whole show with her, and she tore the paper where she had the guy's numbers and went away. I can't believe I had done that but I was sooo angry!
That night I spoke to her on MSN, actually she spoke to me, she said she understood and it was for her own good. And she kept on saying bla bla bla I'm sorry for that and this bla bla bla. Surprisingly she stayed my friends after that. And she still has a crush on me.
Yesterday we were out again, but in a different area (I was too emberased to go to the same one). And guess what? She had done it again! But I didn't make another show, I just stored my anger and I didn't talk to her.
So how will I break her curse? And it's for her own good, who knows how much she is gonna get laid in the future, carelessly laid that is, she is like a whore for Pete's sake, but doesn't get paid.