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Thread: some thing odd with me i think...

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2007

    some thing odd with me i think...

    I don't know why...

    Short Intro: Met some one that made me feel like happy, laught etc....it odd but i told that person secrets that is at the bottom of my heart that i even havn't told any one not even my family...it's odd but it like one of those first sight thing you know...and i only knew that person for like few weeks..it so wierd...

    But after opening my heart once again...and yet i think it's a way of rejection but i got asked to be a god brother....

    It is eh? I know it a silent way of saying i don't see you more then a friend.

    but why..that person gave me a feeling..even in a way trying to open to me...i know...

    Now I feel as if i lost all my confidence to ever open my heart again...i feel like i don't trust woman..

    Maybe it's because of all the issues i have like family..is a major thing that impacted me and love life....

    God i feel like crap..feel bad...feel sad....feel lost....feel like i don't want to love again...it's bad i know but i don't know why...why!!!???!
    Last edited by anxious; 17-04-07 at 07:28 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    i dont know... that's a good question tho, i'll check it up
    maybe she sees your relationship as something else. that's always a problem, a lot of people go into a relationship wanting different things out of it. have you told her how you feel?

    The better place at the end of your dreams

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    i havn't but i think she get the signs you know...the only thing i said that prob gave it away was that maybe i like you maybe i don't..the reasons i said what i said was so that i can get to know more about her before i make a move...

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    i dont know... that's a good question tho, i'll check it up
    If you feel so strongly about it, why not approach her and have a talk? Is it because you are afraid it will ruin any chance of being her friend?

    The better place at the end of your dreams

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    love at first site sucks bro.... you never know where u are in the relationship and if you are unlucky like u are then she wont feel the same way and u get ****ed! It's all good though because u will love again and life isn't over but maybe u'll take more time to really get to know someone before u give them your heart but don't give up! Life is way too short to stay upset about famiy things and u will meet a girl who understands them or u can always talk to random ppl about it on a forum! Anything to ease your mind!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    yeh in a way i agree love at first sign sucks ..

    it odd never had this feelings with my other ex gf i didn't really have this feeling...it like when others want you, you just don;t take it to the heart and when you want some one else....and their not yours so just feel...

    but yeh updates *

    Yeh i told her cuz i was fken drunk as and i didn't even relise i made the phone call...her exact words = > ummm sorry i don't know
    me = > yeh well you see i can't hold it in any more and i jus have to tell
    before one day i regret it and yes i know me and you are god
    brother and god sister, i know no matter how much i like you
    i will not breach the limit...i will be happy for you who ever you
    want to be with, but i will always be here for you...hey i got to

    that about it...

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