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Thread: the little things about sex

  1. #1
    anachronistic's Avatar
    anachronistic Guest

    the little things about sex


    what makes sex better?

    what kind of music do you like to have in the background? or none at all?

    where do you like to have sex the most? in bed? car? outside? shower? couch?

    does having a nice romantic dinner beforehand add to the feeling?

    is it more of kissing and cuddling or foreplay that makes it more enjoyable?

    do the background colors and lighting affect your sexual mood?

    what about massages?

    do you like ripping the clothes off or slowly teasing eachother?

    what is your favorite thing to do to end sex?

    anything else?

  2. #2
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    what makes sex better?
    Doing it raw. I don't though, I'm not willing to put my dick on the line.

    what kind of music do you like to have in the background? or none at all? Jay-Z "I got 99 problems but a bitch ain't one" haha. Nah, I don't know.

    where do you like to have sex the most? in bed? car? outside? shower? couch?
    All over the place. Just as long as it's not restricted to a bed-time farmer joe and his wife push the beds together for a special occasion type affair.

    does having a nice romantic dinner beforehand add to the feeling?
    **** yeah, it's great. Especially if my girlfriend's had a bit too much red.

    is it more of kissing and cuddling or foreplay that makes it more enjoyable?
    Foreplay before, the other stuff afterwards.

    do the background colors and lighting affect your sexual mood? nah, as long as it's not dark. I'll save the lights-off love for my wife of 15 years.

    what about massages?
    What about 'em?

    do you like ripping the clothes off or slowly teasing eachother?
    ripping clothes off

    what is your favorite thing to do to end sex?
    cop a blowy

    anything else?

  3. #3
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    **** I just saw this was for women! Ah well, cop it sweet Lilly Wing.

  4. #4
    Junket's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Charlie Boy View Post
    Just as long as it's not restricted to a bed-time farmer joe and his wife push the beds together for a special occasion type affair.
    That's funny, 'cause I was talkin' to my girlfriend about that the other day.

    I shift, alot, and she's comfortable sleepin' straight on her back.

    I think I'd rather have my own bed to sleep in.

  5. #5
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    what makes sex better?
    When it's unexpected, spontaineous, and with the right person of course(and by this I mean that the chemistry is so strong that you just can't resist eachother).
    If we are talking about long lasting relationships, I guess that bringing inovations of any kind can make sex better, including changes in a life style (new fields of interest for both, new experiences, travelling.. keeping and improving your body image- regular workouts, etc..)

    what kind of music do you like to have in the background? or none at all?
    None at all.

    where do you like to have sex the most? in bed? car? outside? shower? couch?
    Small, closed, half-public places...elevators for instance.

    does having a nice romantic dinner beforehand add to the feeling?

    is it more of kissing and cuddling or foreplay that makes it more enjoyable?
    I don't see the difference between "foreplay" and "kissing and cuddling". It's all foreplay to me. Good foreplay is even when you don't see the person for a really long time, and when you finnaly meet..you don't need any real foreplay.

    do the background colors and lighting affect your sexual mood?

    Yes, but the atmosphere can only spoil the mood. It can never make it better. (like, if a guy tries too hard to arange the ambient, it can spoil the whole thing..no matter how good it looks)

    what about massages?
    Massages are boring. I massage my granny's back though, and she likes it.

    do you like ripping the clothes off or slowly teasing eachother?
    That depends..sometimes ripping, sometimes teasing, that ends with ripping.

    what is your favorite thing to do to end sex?
    Nothing particular.

    anything else?
    I would like to hear men answering this, too.

  6. #6
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    what kind of music do you like to have in the background? or none at all?
    none at all or soft instrumental music.

    where do you like to have sex the most? in bed? car? outside? shower? couch?
    ...in my dungeon.

    seriously though, bed is just the most comfortable. Couch sex was awesome though. Heck I didn't get the chance to try car, outside or shower sex within the four days!

    does having a nice romantic dinner beforehand add to the feeling?
    no. a full stomach makes me feel unsexy and sleepy. However, bonding through deep conversation helps.

    is it more of kissing and cuddling or foreplay that makes it more enjoyable?
    same thing. and foreplay makes all the difference.

    do the background colors and lighting affect your sexual mood?
    I don't think so.. don't really know!

    what about massages?

    do you like ripping the clothes off or slowly teasing eachother?
    it depends. I feel like ripping right now though.

    what is your favorite thing to do to end sex?
    afterwards..? cuddle.

    anything else?
    sexy whispers!

  7. #7
    anachronistic's Avatar
    anachronistic Guest
    ahh what the hell.

    what makes sex better?

    moaning, but not excessively.

    what kind of music do you like to have in the background? or none at all?

    techno is fun to have 'dancing' kind of sex, because you can go wtih the beat pretty easy.

    where do you like to have sex the most? in bed? car? outside? shower? couch?

    bed is most comfy. never done it outside or in a shower, but i'd like to do the shower one. the car sex is no fun unless you have enough room (and i'm kinda big for the backseat)

    does having a nice romantic dinner beforehand add to the feeling?

    hmm, it can and can't. tiay's right, a full tummy doesn't turn me on, but a few pieces of something sweet with a little wine does.

    is it more of kissing and cuddling or foreplay that makes it more enjoyable?

    i like to start it with cuddling and then kissing, and start the sexual stuff with foreplay. then after sex, some passionate kissing, massages and cuddling (sometimes sleep)

    do the background colors and lighting affect your sexual mood?

    yes they do. darkness makes me sleepy and light makes me more vibrant. colors really don't affect my mood.

    what about massages?


    do you like ripping the clothes off or slowly teasing eachother?

    more often than not, the slow teasing method. i like to rip the clothes off every now and then, though.

    what is your favorite thing to do to end sex?


    anything else?

    yea smells can really affect too. i like the strong scent of the vagina when it's CLEAN. dirty pussy smells can make me gag. i also like it when the girl smells nice. i always make an effort to smell decent.
    Last edited by anachronistic; 07-04-07 at 06:07 AM.

  8. #8
    bluesummer's Avatar
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    what makes sex better?

    Spontanaiety, a genuine desire for the other person to please you.

    what kind of music do you like to have in the background? or none at all?
    Any kind. It puts nice memories in your head the next time you hear the song.

    where do you like to have sex the most? in bed? car? outside? shower? couch?

    Wherever the mood hits.........its all about spontanaeity.

    does having a nice romantic dinner beforehand add to the feeling?

    Prefer just some wine. Food makes me tired. But then, I'm old.

    is it more of kissing and cuddling or foreplay that makes it more enjoyable?


    do the background colors and lighting affect your sexual mood?

    Depends on the mood. The guy I've been kinda sorta seeing turned off the lights and lit candles in his room while I was in the bathroom and I was sorta impressed.....and maybe a little more turned on?

    what about massages?

    Massages tend to lead to sex......lol. Well, in my case anyways.

    do you like ripping the clothes off or slowly teasing eachother?

    Depends on the mood.....on the whole I prefer the slow teasing. but rip-your-clothes-off moments are pretty awesome too.

    what is your favorite thing to do to end sex?

    Fall asleep tangled up with the other person.

    anything else?

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