i think i've come to a conclusion on my ex.
her mom is stalking her. reading her emails, text messages, listening to her phone calls, following her places, everything. creepy.
in some of the conversations my ex and i had have been sexual; making plans to have sex, wanting to have sex, things like that. i think her mom's stalking her has led to discovering these sexual conversations.
when my ex got back from germany, her mom made her go see a shrink about me. i'm not exactly sure how things went with that.
her mom gets angry at my ex when i email the mom and write her kind notes. this is ridiculous. i'm a nice guy. i treated that girl like gold. i was considering staying with her in college..
i'm kindof sick of the bullshit. she needs to get up and bitch-slap her mom and tell her she's wrong. i can't be fiddling around with this mess while i'm in college. i'm having a hard time paying attentino in high school right now!