my girlfriend is 30 and i am 20. we live 2 hours away from eachother. we were so in love when we first met. we would talk on the phone all day everyday for about a month. our phone bills were both over 700$ at one point. she has had 1 love in her life and he broke her. he cheated on her constantly and he treated her like shit. but now what he did to her is taking a toll on our relationship. We have talked about marriage and we have talked about kids. We have promised eachother that we will be together 4ever and ever. but she no longer likes to talk on the phone because she says that she has always had a hatred for the phone. she tells me that im smothering her by calling her so much. we argue over the littlest things and i cant stand it anymore. she told me today that she needs a break just so that she can think things over and so that she can miss me. idk what to do!! i love her so much!! she is on my mind constantly. idk what to do!