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Thread: Help Please ; Kissin

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2006

    Help Please ; Kissin

    Ive asked before and than left i miserably failed when kissing the best looking girl ive ever met [if u knew her you would think so too probably, not being big headed] anyway back on topic i want to know the following
    the thing i think i do wrong is using my tongue what do you do with it? most people will be like go with the flow but ive been and it didnt flow if ya no what i mean so just try answer the question on what to do with tongue and how to kiss

    Main Question; What to do with Tongue

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    don't jam it down her throat. ok this may be odd sounding, but think of her tongue as an ice cream cone or a stamp. lightly touch her tounge with yours. other than that super bad example...i have no idea what to tell you...
    "So tonight, when you're wondering what to say, or how you look, or whether or not she likes you, just remember, she is already out with you. That means she said yes when she could have said no. That means she made a plan when she could have just blown you off. So that means it is no longer your job to try to make her like you. It is your job not to mess it up."


  3. #3
    vashti's Avatar
    vashti is offline Hot love muffin guru
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    A lot of males tend to overuse the tongue. Just touch her tounge, swirl it around hers a couple of times, and pull it out. Kiss or suck her lips for a while, and then use the tongue again. Don't drool, and be sure you don't have bad breath.
    Relax... I'll need some information first. Just the basic facts - can you show me where it hurts?

  4. #4
    Gribble's Avatar
    Gribble is offline Love Gurus
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    All over the damn place.
    Trace her lips with the tip of your tongue.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2006
    thx for help so far any other help would be nice as it can only get better!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    one thing I've learned in forums: BE AS SPECIFIC AS POSSIBLE.

    If something is burning up, I need to know what temperature it is.

    if you want to know how to kiss, here's what I'll tell ya.


    ok I'm kidding, sorry.

    but seriously, here's my method. Kissing starts on the lips. It's a facial interraction. While you might be "kissing," that doesn't mean that you're eyes must be closed, and that only your mouth is used.

    Touch her ears, run your fingers through her hair, KISS HER NECK. Pecking isn't murder. When you've done a small amount of kissing with just lips, really feeling the fullness of hers with yours, only then do you start to work your tongue in.

    Just a little bit at a time. Passion builds and doesn't come instantly. nothing feels stranger or more awkward than someone going from zero to 90 in a second. You need to let the passion escalate. So after you've started just touching the tip of her tongue with yours, let it linger a bit more. slowly move it around the edges of her tongue. I'm not one for using my tongue on other parts of her mouth. ESPECIALLY NOT her teeth. Don't be weird about anything,a nd don't try hard. Don't be a fish either.

    What I like to think about when kissing is that there's something she's doing I like most. If she does something I like, do it back! If she does something I don't like, then remember it in the future as something YOU don't want to do.


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