Does this sound like love?
I'm a senior in high school and ever since I was just a little guy in 8th grade, I could never stay with a girl. I don't know why, but I would always change. would get infatuated and then a couple of weeks later move on. I never had sex or anything, just couldn't stay with anyone. So This year, I start looking for a real realtionship, something I know that will keep me riveted. Anyway, so there is this girl I've been friends with ever since I was a wee kid in 7th grade and her in 6th grade. We never dated or walked about dating. I only recently found out that she liked me for three years straight about a month ago and that's cause we are dating. See we both thought that the other was out of our league, when the whole time we were just afraid to say anything. So, our first date is going to the park, I bring a portable DVD and a Dean Martin CD. I play it and we dance for a hour or so. Then we walk around the park and talk. This whole time, we just connected. Just snap! Right into place. It was a totally awesome feeling of supreme happiness. So we jumped in her back seat and talked about everything. I asked her out to be my girlfriend and she said yes! Ever since then, not only have I been flying among the clouds. I am also afraid of losing her and it's the other way around with her. I've never been truly afraid of losing a girl. Fear... it's so odd. As the story goes on we hang out and what not. Yet now, all I want to do, is make her happy. I'll cook for her wonderful dinners and bring her random gifts. I will leave ten minute messeges on her cell phone that she adores. I constantly tell her how beautiful and stunning she is. I tell her how smart and creative she is. I truly believe it too! I give her back rubs and foot rubs when ever I can or she looks tired. Heck, when our snow covered our cars and no one could drive. I walked 2 1/2 hours in a blizzard to go spend 4 hours with her. Just seeing her shocked and worried smile when she opened the door... made the whole trip worth it. I walked her back outside and showed her a giant heart of us with our names in the center that I had made. That day ended up being the most Romantic ever. Candles, dinner and we fell asleep in each others arms. Waking up the next morning, and seeing her sleep. Filled me with joy, pure joy and happiness. She excepts me and supports me 100% in everything I do. I bow and kiss her hand and that alone sends a thrill through me. If it's possible, she tells me she likes me more then I like her! She proves it too! Is everyone like this? Or am I just in infatuation? Let me get one thing straight. I use to never even leave my house for a girl. Even if I thought I was crazy for her. Yet with her? I will walk to her house for a entire week in the snow?!? freezing my rear end off but not caring one little bit! Here is something she sent me. SInce this wont allow me to post it all it's on this profile. The first weblog you see. Please, I need some help.
"When I am Emperor of the world, I will crush you, your family, your friends and everything you like."