I would go out and commit ridiculous crimes. I would probably be the largest criminal in the US before I died. And you know, it'd be funny as hell if the doctor was like, "Holy shit! Your immune system is kicking their ass! Looks like you'll be able to live after all!"Originally Posted by Eurasian
Funny you mention that.
Just last night as me and Will hung about with nothing to do I started talking about death:
"How crazy would it be to know when you're gonna die? The way I envision it, there's this long ruler notched off by days, and one of those notches is red. That's the day I'm gonna die. And every day, every hour, I get closer and closer to that notch. Only thing is, I don't know where along that ruler that red notch is, and where I am in relation to it, I know it's comin', I know I'm gettin' closer to it. Maybe if I knew I'd have a bit more incentive to get some shit done. Then again, maybe not..."
You didn't post a new question, skaterboy, and setting things on fire is NOT funny.
Relax... I'll need some information first. Just the basic facts - can you show me where it hurts?
Because she has A.D.H.D. The Judaism doesn't help, either.Originally Posted by Eurasian
Who will help me beat vashti to a pulp?
You didn't answer my question.
Who wants to answer my question?
No, that is a question. You, however, didn't answer my question either. I asked, "Who wants to answer my question?" You supplied, "I don't." This does not answer my question because it doesn't provide an actual person. It supplies meaningless bullshit that nobody cares about and that I, quite frankly, didn't request. Try again later.
Who wants to answer my question?