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Thread: Should I?

  1. #1
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    Should I?

    Today was the first day back to class as I was out for most of last week due to personal events. Anyway when I was waiting for my now only computer class to start the tall girl that I made a post about awhile back, made her singles a bit more clearer this time around, but she was talking to some of the other girls that where in the class, and I didn't feel like jumping in (I ain't a morning person by no means), and talk to her.

    Anyway we ended up walking to one of the computer labs for some reason and she continued to talk to the girls she was talking to, but I was able to walk past her and close (about 5" away from her), and made direct eye contact with her. When I finished the lab she was gone and I somewhat walked around the are to see if she was by her self so I could approach, but didn't see her, so I worked on my essays for philosophy.

    One thing that help made her singles more clear was that she was almost acting like a little school girl. As she would bite her nails, couldn't sit still, was making more eye contact than usual as she was talking to some girl.

    Now my question is should I just drop it and forget about asking her out? Because it seems that she wants to have this silent flirting and nothing else. Granted I haven't exactly been expressive in my flirting, but it just seems what ever I do do it doesn't work.

  2. #2
    vashti's Avatar
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    You should talk to her first, and then flirt a bit, and THEN ask her out (assuming normal progress on the talking and flirting).
    Relax... I'll need some information first. Just the basic facts - can you show me where it hurts?

  3. #3
    King Zarathu's Avatar
    King Zarathu Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by vashti View Post
    You should talk to her first, and then flirt a bit, and THEN ask her out (assuming normal progress on the talking and flirting).
    Even though vashti is completely and totally wrong, I agree.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by vashti View Post
    You should talk to her first, and then flirt a bit, and THEN ask her out (assuming normal progress on the talking and flirting).
    I was debating of doing this actually. But hey I basically got a month and a half before class ends so I got plenty of time.......

  5. #5
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    Find a way to talk to her for a while first. Phone number, AIM, the mall. Then ask her out.

    Or just, ya know, ask her out.


  6. #6
    King Zarathu's Avatar
    King Zarathu Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Blix View Post
    Or just, ya know, ask her out.
    Or just, ya know, rape her.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zarathu View Post
    Or just, ya know, rape her.
    lol...when all else fails I guess. Make small talk first. Ask her what the homework for you class was and just make sure she knows your freaking name before you go any further. And then progress accordingly...
    "So tonight, when you're wondering what to say, or how you look, or whether or not she likes you, just remember, she is already out with you. That means she said yes when she could have said no. That means she made a plan when she could have just blown you off. So that means it is no longer your job to try to make her like you. It is your job not to mess it up."


  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by hitch View Post
    lol...when all else fails I guess. Make small talk first. Ask her what the homework for you class was and just make sure she knows your freaking name before you go any further. And then progress accordingly...
    I already know this, as I learned this in Socializing 101.

    But as far as making sure she knows my name, I ain't worried about it. With my height I kinda hard not to forget. Plus when we where going to the computer lab the girl that I sit next to and talk to ask me if I did my homework and I responded with a smart ass remark, but she said my name loud enough that the tall girl that I just past would have heard it if she was paying attention. But the reason I ain't worried about her knowing my name is that I alway had nick names since high school.

  9. #9
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    Well a small update. She basically said out right with her body language that she is interested, and I was more expressive as well. When class ended some girl grab her and ask her a question and I couldn't talk to her then. But she made her self more available before class tho, I didn't approach because I was tired from the lack of sleep as I was studying for a test in another class.

    But I will do my best to talk to her next class meeting and do it before class and see what happens. I already know I am going to open with a stupid line, but hey if she sees what she likes she would look over it. The only problem would be another female that has showed some interest getting more aggressive if I do this. But hey I would not mind it. Completion is always good and I can always ask both of them out as well.

  10. #10
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    Those darn females. They won't just take a number and wait their turn, will they?

  11. #11
    Junket's Avatar
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    Well ain't the Jurupa the hot stud now, eh?

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Frasbee View Post
    Well ain't the Jurupa the hot stud now, eh?
    lol, I am going to say what I say to every guy that has thought this and called me other things like a player, pimp etc. I am not a player, nor a stud, but just an average looking guy that has no game with girls.

    Quote Originally Posted by Gigabitch View Post
    Those darn females. They won't just take a number and wait their turn, will they?

    I will say this tho. Through the years I have picked up various tools to put in my tool box. And have learn various ways to use them as well.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by jurupa View Post
    I will say this tho. Through the years I have picked up various tools to put in my tool box. And have learn various ways to use them as well.
    You're crazy, tools have nothing to do with this.

  14. #14
    King Zarathu's Avatar
    King Zarathu Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Frasbee View Post
    You're crazy, tools have nothing to do with this.
    Yeah, tools like vashti and Giga are off worshipping a living god...Me. That's right.

  15. #15
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    I did what I said I was going to do and attempt to talk to her before class. There was what appeared to be some eye contact between us and so I took it as a good thing, so when she stop playing around with her cell phone, I got up as if I was waiting for the teacher. As soon as I got close and was able to say something she walks right past me and sits down where I was. I did everything by the book here.

    She made some eye contact with me in class, but when class ended I just walk right out with out even trying to approach her. I am sorry, but pulling such a move does not get you on my good side.

    The thing I did picked up was that she seemed nervous and/or shy for some reason. When she was playing with her cell phone she was fumbling with it as if she didn't know how to handle it or what she wanted to do it with. Like she wasn't sure if she should use it or not. Where I was sitting was next to one girl that has given me a couple of looks, but she didn't do anything this time and this other girl that will look at me at least once in class.

    When the girl I was going to talk to took my spot. It seemed like she was almost going after this girl, which I found odd. And in class I saw the girl I was going to talk to looked at this girl as well. So I am wondering if I miss read this girls singles and she is really a lesbian or she is bi or what, because this is starting to be to much work to ask the girl out Another thing I picked up was that when we went in side the class the girl I was going to talk to "jumped" in front of me and while she was walking inside she was playing with her hair, but from what I could make out she was continuing the nervous and or shyness.

    I am thinking of giving it one more shot on Wednesday after class and if she doesn't make her self available I am "walking". And if I "walk" the only way I will talk to her is if she breaks the ice. Call me what you want, but the amount of work in trying to talk to this girl is getting to be to much and is becoming not worth asking her out.

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