i am hoping someone can help me with my situation. i've been with my boyfriend now for close to two years. a couple times during our relationship i had noticed on the computer that he was visiting porn sites. these sites are not just regular porn sites, but escort sites that are local in our area. i mentioned it to him one time and he said he didn't mean anything by it and he was just curious, also he wasn't looking for anyone to do those thing's with. i talked to him about it and explained to him how it makes me feel and he said he wouldn't do it again. a year and some months go by and i noticed on the computer he did it again, same sites but also he was checking out yahoo personals as well as sexual chat rooms. i didn't say anything about it, stupidity i guess. but last night i noticed he was on a website called craig's list, and looked up erotic encounters. he said he was looking for a sofa and happend to come across it. i tried talking to him about it, how i feel that is emotional cheating but he just kept bringing up hurts i've caused him in the early stages of the relationship. i never cheated or gone on those sites. he said "you hurt me, now it's your turn so deal with it." he blamed me for him doing those thing's, he said that if i was there for him more he wouldn't have to do those thing's. between everyone here on this site and me i try my ass off to be there for him in everyway, but it isn't good enough. if he wants to discuss something, he says i don't say the "right thing's" at the "right time." i'm constantly working at that. i told him that i was doing everything i could to be there for him more in every way, and i'm trying to strengthen our relationship. what do you all think? am i over reacting like he thinks i am? is it just me that thinks/feels it is emotional cheating? if a man truely loves a woman do they still seek porn? thank you.