i am sorry if this gets a bit long, but you need almost the full story.
been with man for almost 6 years,living together for 3.
I have to go away quite a bit for work, on average 1 week per month.One time when i got back i logged into OUR email account (we share one computer and share an email account apart from our own msn addys) and there were various emails from him to someone else, i confronted him and he said he never met the person, the next day i confirmed this by emailing the person. It really hit my trust hard and it hurt me, i wasnt the same with my man for a few weeks.he promised me it wouldnt happen again and slowly things started to get back to normal.
i went away again and this time i was scared of what was going to happen.i got back home and found he had joined various dating/cam/meet for sex sites. i didnt say anything at first, i wanted to find stuff out first cause i figured if he lied to me when i brought it up with him i would have proof. im the kind of person that wants to know why they are being hurt, and i will do anything to get to the bottom of it, so i got a programme that lists the websites visited, with dates and times, i made a print out of the pages and gave them to him the next day. i know what i did was wrong and will prob be seen as pycotic, he got home that night crying saying he was truly sorry blah blah i was on the verge of leaving, he slept on couch for 2 months. he wrote me a letter at work one day explaining why he did it, how much he loved me etc, yes i had him back and we agreed to go to councelling together, soon things got back to normal and things seemed good again, he knew i still had a trust issue and he seemed to help me with that by keeping history on on his comp/writing blogs about his feelings when i was away etc.
the councelling ended a few months ago and our relationship felt the way it did when we first met. I havenet looked at his email for two months, i turned the history off on the comp long ago because i was trying my hardest to trust him again.
anyway, this is going to sound really pathetic but i was reading something on a different forum, sex tips to spice things up and it gave me an idea of something we had never done before, it basically said to writie everything you want to do to partner and put the note somewhere he will deff see it. i wrote a list of things i wanted to do to him that night when he got home from work, folded it up and put it in his wallet (as that is the only thing he takes to work) as i opened his wallet a post it note fell out, he had wrote down a new email address and password. i tried to log in and it isnt activated yet, the thing thats in my head is im going away in 3 days so it doesnt take a genious to work out when hes planning on using it. its never going to stop is it? i havent said anything to him, and its so obvious that hes going to think i was snooping, i just feel so useless