once upon a time...
this guy....who has been my friend for a while....has a HUGE crush on me...
he just got out of juvy....(4 months for grand theft).....and the girl he had a crush on before he went in is a total drug addict..so he lost interest...and then my best friend....has a bf (he had a crush on her too)
ever since he got out....all he has been talking about is getting laid.
so he flirts with me...cuz (i think) im the only one of his friends that is single right now.
but he does weird stuff like call me at 6 am to see if im awake for school..and he calls me all the time...shows up at my house WITHOUT calling...its really creepy....
i try and be nice to him..cuz he is still my friend...(im not leading him on whatsoever)
ive known him for like 2 years..and he is a really cool person..just not my type...i cant deal with a REALLY REALLY dysfunctional person right now..i just got out of a 2 year relationship (about 2 months ago)...and i was always being depended on when something went wrong. dating him just seems like a REALLY BAD idea. i have enough of that shit in my family..im looking for someone a bit more stable than me.
all of his friends are telling me that i should just do him....cuz he needs it....
one of my friends is like
"you might as well have sex with him...you arent getting any..and neither is he."
and im like "i dont wanna have sex with him"
and hes like "ya..your right..he smells bad..i could prolly come over and get things fired up between you and me." (he only says this stuff cuz he thinks he can get whatever he wants...cuz he's full of himself.-serious ego problem-)
then i got pissed and told him to leave.
anyway..my question is....
how do i tell the guy who has a crush on me...basically...to leave me alone....and that i just wanna be friends?
ps. i have no interest in hurting him.
anymore questions....just ask