Ok, so this girl i recently started going out with, gets crazy jealous just because my ex girlfriend calls me every now and then. I never hang out with her, or really call her, but she calls me sometimes, and we basically just ask how each other is doing. My new girlfriend gets so crazy jealous over this, because she says every relationship she has had, has ended badly, and she can't trust people, and that it is just messed up that i keep in touch with her at all. I find it impossible to convince her she can trust me, and that i have no feelings for my x, and to make her understand. So tell me, is it sooo wrong of me to talk to her? Not to mention the fact she is being a hypocrit, because until recently, she was best friends with her X fiance up to a year after they broke up. I think there are some major insecurity issues here, and major immaturity going on here, if i'm wrong please let me know, tell it to me like it is. thanks for any advice