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This guy who I liked, started approaching me and tried to get closer but each time I backed off. Now I'm over the 'What if I wasn't so shy' phase because I figure, I can't do anything about the past and I can't change my character. But now I'm worried this guy's hurt or upset that I've been cold, distant and avoidant. Any feedback would be great!
You can't change the past, but you had BETTER work on your character. You can't expect people to take it well when you have been (in your words) cold, distant and avoidant. What I am going to say is going to sound very harsh, so brace yourself.
This is the thing about being excessively shy: it is really a form of selfishness, meaning you are so consumed with how YOU are feeling, you have no room to consider anyone else's comfort level. I don't mean this in a judgemental sense, but rather as a description. Almost everyone is shy to some extent, and you can't continue to use that as an excuse for being self-absorbed.
I think you should make an effort to connect to other people while forcing thoughts about your own discomfort out of the way. Try to act the part of a person who is hosting an important guest, where their comfort is your priority. It will become more natural with practice, and believe me, you will be a happier person for making the effort. You don't want to spend your life in isolation, do you?
Relax... I'll need some information first. Just the basic facts - can you show me where it hurts?