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Thread: broke up last week...

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2006

    broke up last week...

    well my girlfriend broke up with me last wednesday. can someone tell me if this sounds suspicious? (fyi, july 14 would mark 10 months)

    ok well, she is very into tennis and travels all over in the summer to different states and competes. so, like a month ago she told me we might have to go on a break for the summer and pick things back up after the summer because she has to focus on tennis, but i just said we'll talk about it when the time comes and not to worry about it now. so...

    last friday she left for florida and we spoke regular and what not. friday night we spoke on the phone and we said goodnight and everything. then saturday...

    saturday is when it started to get weird. she never responded to any of my texts the whole day. then at 11:30pm she texts me saying "im going to bed now. goodnight." not 'i love you' or 'sorry about today' or anything. thats weird because whenever shes at these tounrmanet she gets really nervous and always has to talk to me before she goes to bed at night to calm her down...

    then the next day (sunday) i call her at like 2pm and im like "hey" and shes like "i really cant talk now" and hangs up. so im like um ok... then she never texted me or called me back or anything, so at 10:30pm that night i call her back and she picks up and is like "im really busy i cant talk" and hangs up. i mean like... how busy can you be at 10:30? and that was all i've heard from her that night.

    then... ugh. the next day (monday) at like 3pm she calls me and is like "hey" and im like "hi" and shes like "remember that break we spoke about?" and im like "um, yeah" and shes like "well i think we should go on it. i have to go play tennis now though, so i'll talk to you later. goodbye." and hangs up.

    and then, she gets home the next (tuesday) and i i.m her on aim and im like can we talk? and she i.ms me back saying "ok lets talk" and she says her dad was on the phone, so we couldnt talk on the phone (total b.s.)

    well, on in the convo, she said we're not going on a break, we're broken up meaning i can hook up with anyone i want she doesnt care. and it just went downhill from there.

    she says we can still be like bestfriends but like she says she needs time for herself.

    little did i know that her hotel room in florida had an ajoining room to boys from her team in their. and one of the boys she ALWAYS talks about and always tells me shes getting close friends with him...

    suspiscious? idk. but i know she wouldnt do anything like that. i know that for a fact, shes not like that.

    yeah but idk... its almost 10 months and like we've been through alot and it just hurts cause like everything rmeinds me of her...

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Her actions would most certianly raise an eyebrow with me if I were in your shoes, but then again I'm very suspicious by nature and it could be all innocent. I wouldn't panic just yet.

    Just an observation... I told my G/F last week (in a nice way) NOT to text me, NOT to IM me and let's keep our emails very limited. SO much can me lost in interputation through those media and misunderstood. She agreed. We do fine in person and to a slightly lessor degree on the phone but I feel that technology has made dating/relationships even more difficult than they were even before answering machines.

    Just my rant for the day...

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    I'd say she changed you for that other guy.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    well, Cruner, idk exactly. we were on the phone a couple of days ago and she just kept going on and on about that other guy. she keeps saying how hes so funny and blah blah blah. but i know she wouldnt hook up with some random kid she just met, its just not her. but maybe shes falling for him? idk...

    and Blackiesharley, if she was really busy the days she was in florida, she couldve told me like "wow im really busy up here i dont really have time to talk to you, i have to concentrate on my tennis." and that wouldve been fine. but instead, i kept on calling...resulting some what to the breakup

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