How'd everyone choose their avatar? Was it random, was it representative of something? Just wondering (Ken, you can respond if you WANT to. Although I'm sure the more perceptive ones here can guess . . .)
As for me, I always felt like I had this connection with Charlie Brown. Like he was me and represented me PERFECTLY when I was about his age.
He, and I, both loved baseball and would play anytime, in any weather. (Although I am and always was much better than he was in the comics/specials). He and I were both shy. He and I both had a "red-headed girl" that we secretly liked in our class, but were always (often for me) too shy to do anything about. Him and I both had about the same taste in clothes (aka NO STYLE!) Him and I both were just sorta 'there'. Not well respected by students, but known and friends to many.
I've found that out of all the comic/movie/tv/whatever characters I've seen, I've always felt more connected with/to and really enjoyed him. I still to this day own and won't even THING of selling one charlie brown collection that I ABSOLUTELY LOVE to this day. A collection of his baseball comics (I REALLY love baseball. It's a real shame I can't find a team to play on anymore!!!!) But even though I can't play FOR REAL, I still go to the batting machines once a week just to hit around. And just wish that one day I'll find a team or just a group of pals that wants to go out and play.