The Rant!
My thoughts about things right now. Yeah, it’s off topic, but only from a certain point of view.
Take a swim into the feelings of others and you quickly become glad that your little swimming pool isn’t a murky, shark infested ocean without end. Boldly crashing the thoughts of truth into the mirrors of life turns you into a swelling oak tree of honesty. Subtly, the more you become the tree, the more immobilizing it is to bend and sway to the rhythm of the wind. Consciously, I have to remind myself to drink more water and struggle to remain flexible, ever fearing the frequent storms that arise from the horizon of life without warning.
Pouring into myself like a damn about to break, I become a distant memory to my former naive self. Who is this new person that I’m becoming that I’ve never met in real life? I kind of like him, except for the fact that I worry that he is going to steal my girl and leave her broken hearted along the road of empty dreams.