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Thread: Can you turn gay?

  1. #31
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  2. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by toohot4pants
    i have NEVER recommended that ANYONE punch ANYONE in the face! that's just wrong! sick and wrong! if you'd go look up your facts, you'd have known that i have suggested that people punch other people in the throat. see? i'm no monster.

    something worthwhile? i think people would say i do have many worthwhile posts. but hey...you gotta have some fun too, especially if it's at the expense of homosexuals and canadians...
    Just curious but why do some Americans make fun of Canadiens? lol.

  3. #33
    Teezy's Avatar
    Teezy Guest
    Because they've never been to Canada. I have. It's beautiful. The people are friendly for the most part.

    I think it's because they say "eh?" and prounce the word "about" as "A-boot". Whateva, Canada is cool.

  4. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by Teezy
    Because they've never been to Canada. I have. It's beautiful. The people are friendly for the most part.

    I think it's because they say "eh?" and prounce the word "about" as "A-boot". Whateva, Canada is cool.
    Yeah it's a nice place and the people seem nice. :]

  5. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tone
    Ugh are you gonna be one of THOSE guys, Tamie...??

    Where EVERY thread you post in you have to mention your g/f??

    I would DEFINATELY turn and run!
    *is a gurl*

    cause am obsessed

    extremely madly obsessed

  6. #36
    indigosoul's Avatar
    indigosoul Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by toohot4pants
    i have NEVER recommended that ANYONE punch ANYONE in the face! that's just wrong! sick and wrong! if you'd go look up your facts, you'd have known that i have suggested that people punch other people in the throat. see? i'm no monster.
    LOL! Okay, then, if its the throat and not the face.... well, thats MUCH better...

    Quote Originally Posted by toohot4pants
    but hey...you gotta have some fun too, especially if it's at the expense of homosexuals and canadians...
    Can't speak for homosexuals, but as a Canadian I will say we are pretty tolerant. You know the saying... children, fools, etc. So, OK, I guess you can poke fun at us. We can take it.

  7. #37
    vashti's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Converse
    Just curious but why do some Americans make fun of Canadiens? lol.
    I actually never heard Americans make fun of Canadians before. Maybe (if anything) this is more of a northern states thing? I dunno... Maybe hotpants is smitten with indigo and this is his way of flirting??

    Relax... I'll need some information first. Just the basic facts - can you show me where it hurts?

  8. #38
    indigosoul's Avatar
    indigosoul Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by vashti
    I dunno... Maybe hotpants is smitten with indigo and this is his way of flirting??
    OMG!! Do you think??

    Wow, and I think TooHot never even saw my Audrey avatar...

    Hmmm, being smitten by someone who is "too hot 4 pants" might not be a bad thing. Unless... it means he wears skirts???

  9. #39
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by toohot4pants
    homosexuals are subhuman...sorta like canadians...
    You're disgusting.

    On both accounts.

  10. #40
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    I use gay in the happy jolly sense. I also use queer in the sense it was orginally intended. Sometimes throws people for a loop or maybe they misunderstand.

    I just chalk it up to fun with an ever-evolving language. Thank heavens things don't stay the same. That would be boring!

    Quote Originally Posted by alice
    i don't think there are "gay genes". and why has "gay" lost its original meaning? why can't i use gay in the sense of jolly anymore? and the same sh*t's happend to "queer". i don't get it, english vocabulary comprises at least twice as many words as german, but still we have a word for "gay" that means homosexual and nothing else.

  11. #41
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    Quote Originally Posted by indigosoul
    Here's a thought gang: If someone you dearly loved changed suddenly to the opposite sex, would you turn gay (or turn and run)??Personally, I'd at least consider turning gay... so does that make me homosexual??
    This happened to married acquaintances of mine. HE decided to become a SHE. The wife thought for a while of staying married to HIM but in the end they decided it wouldn't work and went their separate ways. It must have been very hard for her (both hers).

  12. #42
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    innsbruck, austria
    Quote Originally Posted by clynn
    I use gay in the happy jolly sense. I also use queer in the sense it was orginally intended.
    good to hear you do. but nobody else seems to.

    Quote Originally Posted by clynn
    I just chalk it up to fun with an ever-evolving language. Thank heavens things don't stay the same. That would be boring!
    very true.

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