we are happy with how the whole thing is going. giving eachother what we need and we toned down on the sexual stuff. we were doing it way too much. it got to a point where we decided to just not for a while.
but we talked about it today and decided that once in a while is okay but not like every time we are together(like it was) like once a month or somethin like that.
it kindof loses its specialness when it becomes so casual. know what im sayin? well anyways she said she wants it to be more romantic than casual. me too. so we are both posting this time asking for things we can both do to make it romantic.
we have decided no sex until she is 18+ because we dont want to ruin our lives with pregnancy (and stds isnt a factor because neither of us have any. we both went and got tested)
so we are just sticking with oral and handjobs and fingering and the sort. so how do you make that more romantic than casual?