whats the meanest thing-meaning u dated this person , or maybe haven't dated her before, so what would have been the meanest thing u done to ur crush or to a date.
i guess the guy leaving his wallet in the car-yea classic one. i knew a freind who flirted chatted with girls he wasn't attacted to at all-but was just using em for attention-they would call him-he loved it -attention kind of guy, go out with em but never spend too much-very little -just get em to tag along-to the malls or what not. all and all he was never interested in her -then lets her go lightly.
or dated em for a month and later kiss and this and that and later on out of nowhwere never called or went out with her anymore-or started making her pay.
so whats the meanest thing u have ever done to ur crush, date, bf/gf .stories please