Is there something wrong with me? I dont think a girl is attractive at all w/o her clothes, it just seems discusting to me. I think females are sexy as hell with thier clothes on. I dont want to look at a stink hole or a pink mouth looking thing. If a gurl ever tried getting into my pants I would prolly have to say,"Sorry, im not into that, maybe a hand job or something." I havnt told anyone this in the real world. Im afraid people might think im wierd or ghey. Im born like this and I have no problem with it. I hope that the next girlfriend I have(im a virgin btw) understands my situation b/c I will open up to her about it. I also think sexual intercourse is a gross chore that I would never get involved in. Ive watched pr0n and things of that nature but it just doesnt turn me on. Of course I stare at girls more than everyone else b/c of the reverse standard. A fully clothed girl is like "nude" to me and I just cant stop lusting!
I like my "sexual offset" b/c you cant get sick of "seeing it the same way".For example, the 99.9999999999999999999991 percent of guys that are attracted to a girls butt when its the color of skin. But in my case if she is wearing something different everyday with different colors it doesnt get old. Its something new instead of the same ol boring thing everyday. So basically your girlfriend looks attractive in different ways everyday, sounds like a bargain to me