As a smoker, I am very lazy. I don't like to move much. I get tired walking a flight of stairs. I drink a lot of soda, and junk food. I don't look after my body weight as much as I should...
...I'm sure there is more you can add.
BUT, to quit smoking ---> we must change our LIFESTYLES!
Start drinking WATER. You will find that water and cigs don't mix that well! It's true!
Start an Exercise routine. After a 3-5 mile jog/run, you'll find that you will not crave a cig for at least the remaining half of the day.
Find a hobby (Golf, Basketball, or anything that can take your mind off the crave). Just DO SOMETHING ELSE!
Drink More Water ---> It's amazing how much this can help you quit!
DON'T SET DATES when you will quit -> you are asking for failure!
The best time to quit ----> IS NOW!
Yes, NOW!
Create a vision of where you want to be in the future!
Create a vision of your health!
Create a vision of your well being!
Create a vision of the long term goals in your life, and how These Lifestyle changes WILL get you there.
SMOKING KILLS (the bottom line)
It's funny, even though people know that smoking kills (we still do it). Because we don't see the long term effects.
In the 70's, it was 'fashionable' to smoke. Today, it is down right disgusting, filthy, annoying, and sickening - for both smoker AND non-smoker.
(I am about to smoke a cig, but after that ---> I am REALLY going to make another effort to QUIT)
We should all do this together.
If you want to quit, add your name here:
1) RSK
We can form a support group, and share what we did, what we ate, how we handled craves...and so on...
...if not, then good luck. After this ONE cig, I am REALLY going to make this effort!