My relationship has been going on for about 10 months now, and it's gotten increasingly rocky in the last few months. Basically, I think she is feeling smothered at this point. There have also been some other factors (she got on birth control pills and they turned her crazy and she's in the process of getting off of them), but overall I think the main problem is that the relationship is getting too cramped, especially for her. Anyway, it's long distance during the school year as well. Anyway, last weekend was sort of "the breaking point" (she was having the most major PMS style withdrawal symptoms then, so she got really annoyed with everything I did, and though she knows she was messed up and not herself the negative feelings about the relationship are persisting). I am not going to see her again until mid december, but I'm sort of wondering how to approach this. I definitely know that we need to ease off and establish more independence (we've talked like, 24/7 since starting dating, to make up for the fact that it's long distance), and that she feels somewhat smothered, but I'm not sure how best to go about fixing this problem.
I know I need to back off and make her realize again that I have a life indepedent of her, and I think I need to give her some privacy (we've sort of inadvertantly created a situation in which we both know 100% about the other's daily going ons just cause we talk so much). However, I'm not sure if I should just abruptly lessen the attention I give her on a daily basis, or if I should have a talk with her first and announce that I'm going to back off cause I think we need a bit more space, or if I should go all out and say I want to "have a break" and we'll see how things work out in my next visit. I am sort of wary of the third option cause she is unsure of whether she wants a break or not, and I don't really either, I would only be doing it to more rapidly establish independence. It seems like a gamble that could as easily cause hurt feelings and give the relationship far less of a chance of healing as it could give us confidence that we aren't codependent. AND of course something entirely unexpected might happen and someone might show up and ask she or I out in the next month and we'd be tempted to accept due to being single, and then I'd have just wasted 500 bucks on a plane ticket I can't use (I'm mostly kidding on this last point).
Any suggestions?