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Thread: First Time on the Internet

  1. #31
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    Hehe, you thought your first screen names were bad, I had to use my mom's account....Buggagoo2. Wow that was sad.
    Heit ist mein taug.

  2. #32
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    aw now i have another nick name for zeik. bugagoo.

  3. #33
    Ellynn's Avatar
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    Somewhere out there...
    I remember I was 15 when we got A-O-Hell........and it was christmas eve...and we both went into a chat room to see what it was like....

    After that I was addicted......but it sucked sharing the computer for a few yrs before my sis moved out.
    Appreciate the good times and learn from the bad times....

  4. #34
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    first time i went on the net , i was about 7 , thats before it became "popular" and it 56k modems dint exist yet . Win 95 dint even exist yet . HECK even cd-roms on PC werent used yet . there was only floppy . I remember going there on my bro's account at home (hes 12 y older than me ) , he was chatting back then , and he used to get games for free .

  5. #35
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    Played Dogfight with a guy in Minneapolis while I was in Chicago. Our planes were two, white cross hairs (the opponent's inside a circle) on a black screen. Everything was command line. No mouse. Didn't yet exist, I don't think. I was on a work-study program at the University of Illinois, Circle Campus, and, as part of my job, had to abstract clinical psychology monographs for one or more professors. I'd go to the computer lab and get on their academic network to locate new research. Started hanging out with the nerds. They called their machine, "Maniac," in a spoof on ENIAC. Damn thing was a big as my living room. That was...good grief...1972-73.

    My first computer was a Commodor 64. No HDD, as I recall. Just two 5 1/4 inch floppy slots.
    Last edited by whaywardj; 12-11-05 at 08:28 PM.
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  6. #36
    Junket's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by whaywardj
    Played Dogfight with a guy in Minneapolis while I was in Chicago. Our planes were two, white cross hairs (the opponent's inside a circle) on a black screen. Everything was command line. No mouse. Didn't yet exist, I don't think. I was on a work-study program at the University of Illinois, Circle Campus, and, as part of my job, had to abstract clinical psychology monographs for one or more professors. I'd go to the computer lab and get on their academic network to locate new research. Started hanging out with the nerds. They called their machine, "Maniac," in a spoof on ENIAC. Damn thing was a big as my living room. That was...good grief...1972-73.

    My first computer was a Commodor 64. No HDD, as I recall. Just two 5 1/4 inch floppy slots.
    ::stares in awe at whayward's elder status::

  7. #37
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    I look at it that way myself sometimes, Fras.

    BTW, interesting thing about getting older is that, in my case at least, one's self-image -- how you regard yourself in the absence of any outside influences -- lags significantly behind your chronologcal age. Though I'll be 56 this December, I still regard myself as being around 25. Not like I consciously think about it or anything like that; like dying my gray hair or some bullshit like that; but like I wake in the morning -- most often -- not even thinking about age at all. Maybe I'm trying to say my attitude isn't 56 although my body is. (I.e., I like to roller blade, but I'm cautious around skateboards. A fall from one of those could result in some serious recovery time I'm not prepared to risk losing.) Not too bad an experience, aging. Actually.
    Last edited by whaywardj; 12-11-05 at 11:22 PM.
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  8. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lloyd95
    Porn..................and more porn.
    i will have to agree with lloyd on this one. what more would you do with all your free time rather than d/l free porn??

    ...this is just my perspective on the situation...

  9. #39
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    I was in my computer class and typed in [url]www.nasa.gov[/url] and I was like whoa "I am in!", I felt like a real hacker trhen... I was 8 or 9.
    Don't expect anything.

  10. #40
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    LOL! That is so funny!
    Speak less. Say more.

  11. #41
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    my brother was actually a "real hacker" to say ( before everybody started to buy pc's) , all i saw in the screen was dos and some crazy letters and words ( i was about 6-7 back then ) . nobody knew why he connected the phone line to the PC . then the chat rooms were all black with colored writting .

    then i saw him playing "axe something " , some classic pc game . i was like "hey , when did you buy THAT ?!?!"

    well , i guess he passed it on to me .

    : goes away from LF to get free net stuff and laughs :

  12. #42
    Junket's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by whaywardj
    Though I'll be 56 this December
    Say whaaaaaaat?!


    Actually...now that I think about it, you're only about 2-3 years older than my dad, so I guess you're not all that old.

  13. #43
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    Quote Originally Posted by Frasbee
    Say whaaaaaaat?!


    Actually...now that I think about it, you're only about 2-3 years older than my dad, so I guess you're not all that old.
    hey , my dads a bit younger and he has trouble accessing his e-mails , even less make it to a forum . so your doing great for your age ( internet wise) , but i know you studied in this so maybe it doesnt count after all . my pops can make wodden stuff , tables , chairs , nice piece o wood with a good handle so you can go around knocking ppl out .

    yea , now that i think about it , what was your career?

  14. #44
    bluesummer's Avatar
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    My uncle was a computer programmer when I was a kid, so back in the mid-80's I used to go over and play on his computer. I had to learn basic DOS to even use that thing, and it had only a black and orange screen, that was probably only 9 or 10" across. I remember playing some primitive form of pac-man on it.

    As for the actual internet.....I don't think I went on that until I was 14 or so at a friends house......but she was using it to research stuff for a school paper. Borrrring.
    Last edited by bluesummer; 14-11-05 at 07:32 AM.
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  15. #45
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    the very first thing i did was find a website with guitar tabs. i also chatted with friends. i didn't get the internet til i was 23 or 24.

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