...can a guy tell whether you were a virgin or not the first time u slept with him?
random question
...can a guy tell whether you were a virgin or not the first time u slept with him?
random question
Physically, no.
I think MAYBE yes. True, some girl's hymens break before having sex the first time, but most don't so he might be suspicious if there is no blood. Besides, I would guess that they can feel themselves pushing their way through the hymen. How can someone hurt you like that and not be aware of whats going on?
On the other hand, maybe this question is better left to men to answer.
True shh! that sometimes the hymen doesn't break before your first time. I just know that I didn't bleed my first time and neither did any of my other girl friends, but we were all active in sports and had used tampons and everything beforehand. I would think nowadays it would be less common for girls to still have a hymen before their first time. I have no clue though.
OK, not to be gross, because obviously mine broke during sex the first time, but can a tampon break your hymen? (Ouch!)
lol yes it can.
Guys are gross on here all of the time, it's our turn!
Edit: To make it even more gross here is a drawing of the hymen Lol
Last edited by Junsui; 27-10-05 at 11:01 PM.
I know it seems obvious, but I asked a reistered nurse during a sex education class I took with my daughter, and she told be to check with a physician...
Ha! They called it a "delicate piece of skin" - mine felt like he was trying to bust through leather!
lol ouch!
IDK. never had sex with a virgin. If she bleeds, chances are yes, she's a virgin. However, they can be plenty tight after several months of abstinence, and you might think she's a virgin, but she ain't. Then again, who gives a shit? You're hard pressed to find a virgin. Its not like they're "spoiled" or some shit.
I'm drowning in assholes.
The one time I had sex with a virgin was much different than any of the other times. It was so tight I could barely get in. Literally, it took about 10 minutes for me to get all the way in, with her crying and begging me to go slow even when I WASN'T moving. And she bled all over the place.
In my life I've had sex with 3 virgins of varying ages. None bled. Really, to me, the biggest difference was a bit of tentativeness on what to do, how to do, etc.
hmmm, if he is someone who doesnt play around or is relatively stupid or in love(wait thats the same thing) ... he wont notice.
some wont care.
but yes, it is possible for a guy to know whether a girl is a virgin or not.
Are there no prisons? Are there no workhouses? - The Ghost of Christmas Past
I can tell by the way she walks. Only when its compared to a virgin v.s. a girl who has been..around a bit. Cant tell if she only had it once or twice.
"Why are you an atheist?"
"because I paid attention in science class."
Good one, OV. Now let's see how many actually believe you.
Speak less. Say more.
I dont care how many do lol. There is a girl next door to my house with a gap between her legs the size of texas. Its obvious she fawks ALOT.Originally Posted by whaywardj
"Why are you an atheist?"
"because I paid attention in science class."