hey guys and gals,
Ok, not entirely sure if this is the right place to post this...well ill start off by introducing myself as the topic suggests...haha.
Well, Im Harry. HEY! I wont go into all the boring details of myself, if your interested u can always check into my profile.
Well, I just need to get something off my chest...ok, not quite like that, but id like to just WRITE about something...something that i think about alot these days. I've never really had the chance to tell people what im thinking, you know, my deep personal thoughts, what im looking for, what i need, what i think my mind craves and my body aches for. A Partner. A girlfriend. Whatever you want to call it. But not just something sexual, or someone to just make me less lonely. But someone i can connect with. Someone I can tell anything to, share my 'deep personal thoughts' with. But most of all, someone I can act MYSELF around, without feeling stupid for doing certain things, like randomly making funny faces...or goofing around just becuase i feel like it. I feel like i think about it too much, but i just cant help it. I didnt think i was a lonely type of guy, i have some mates, i have a bit of a social life. But what made me realise i was lonely, was when im alone...what do i think about? ah...yes...why arent i in a relationship. It sounds so wooden putting it into words i know...but i feel like im missing out, you know? I mean i dont know if anywone has bothered to read this, but i think its good to just write about these things sometimes, dont you think?
I feel like im being pathetic sometimes, and that i shud just get on with things and that my time will come for 'love'. Man, even writing that word, 'love' makes me feel cheesy. Im one of those people who would never mention love as far as my feelings for someone else was conecerned if i didnt truely believe in it. I hate the way its just flung around all the time. I think to myself...love? ugh...get me a bucket...im gunna..well...it doesnt give me a pleasant feeling when i hear certain people use it so often. One word springs to mind, immaturity. oh man im waffling. I dont know if this is a waste of space all this, but if no one else reads it, then i know at least ive satisfied myself..well, at least for a short time anyway.
When people say, are u a romantic, i want to say no straight away. But in fact, after thinking about it, i probably am! I dont liek doing the cheesy things, and saying unoriginal soppy things, but sometimes its the only way to express how u feel. Im slowly realising this. I think as long as somone believes what ur saying is the truth, u can be as soppy, and cheesy as you like. but YOu have to believe it too, otherwise the eyes will always give it away. I dont know if anyone agress with what im waffling on about, or feels a similar way about their situation, but i know its what i believe right now. Its very hard to put certain things into words.
well ive exhuasted my mind now, my waffling is done for the moment, i havent even read it back through, so half of it probably doesnt even string together! thanks for reading, let me know what u think if anything!